Pengaruh Role Awareness Training terhadap Regulasi Diri pada Atlet Pelajar
The Effect of Role Awareness Training On Self Regulation In Student Athletes
Regulasi diri dapat membantu atlet pelajar dalam mencapai tujuan terkait peran mereka sebagai atlet ataupun pelajar. Penelitian sebelumnya telah menunjukkan bahwa role awareness training mampu meningkatkan psychological well being, tetapi belum diketahui pengaruh intervensi tersebut terhadap regulasi diri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh role awareness training terhadap atlet pelajar di asrama SLOMPN Unesa. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimental kuantitatif dengan pretest-posttest control group design. Eksperimen yang berlangsung selama 4 pertemuan ini dilakukan pada 12 atlet pelajar yang berada pada usia 13-16 tahun yang diperoleh melalui sampling jenuh. Data diperoleh melalui pretest dan posttest instrumen regulasi diri yang kemudian dihitung menggunakan metode uji t independen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa role awareness training memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan pada regulasi diri atlet pelajar dengan nilai t 2.493 dan p < 0,05. Atlet pelajar dalam penelitian ini juga ditemukan memiliki tendensi terhadap autonomous dan controlled self regulation yang sama-sama tinggi.
Self-regulation may help student-athletes to achieve their goals and improve their performance. Few research has been found on the effectiveness of role awareness training. Previous research has found that role awareness training effectively enhances youth athletes' psychological well-being and emotional regulation. However, there has yet to be research to determine the effectiveness of role awareness training on self-regulation. This research aims to assess the effect of role awareness training on student-athletes' self-regulation in the SLOMPN Unesa dormitory. The method used is quantitative experimental with a pretest-posttest control group design. The experiment lasted for 4 meetings and was conducted on 12 student-athletes aged 13-16 who were obtained through saturated sampling. Data was obtained through the self-regulation instrument's pretest and posttest, then calculated using the independent t-test method. The results of this study indicate that role awareness training significantly influences student athletes' self-regulation, with a t value of 2.493 and p < 0.05. Student-athletes in this study also had equally high tendencies towards autonomous and controlled self-regulation.