innovation is an effort to meet the needs of the community in accessing public
services. In particular, the public services needed by the community are public
services in the field of population administration, so that city and district
governments continue to be encouraged to innovate. One of the program
innovations that has been launched by the Surabaya City Government is the
Lontong Balap program innovation. However, in carrying out the Lontong Balap
program, problems were still encountered during its implementation. The purpose
of this research is to examine further the implementation of the Lontong Balap
Innovation Program. The type of research carried out was
descriptive-qualitative. This research uses six indicators that influence the
success of policy implementation according to Van Meter and Van Horn (1975),
including policy standards and targets, resources, characteristics of
implementing agents, inter-organizational relationships, dispositions, and
economic, social, and political conditions. The methods used in collecting data
are interviews, observation, and documentation. Then it is analyzed through
several stages, such as data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and
drawing conclusions. The research results show that the implementation of the
Lontong Balap program is good but still not optimal. Such as human resources
such as trial judges, verifiers, registration, and making determinations. The
provision for sub-district employees often causes input errors, monitoring and
evaluation processes in each sub-district are not running well, and the
socialization process that has been carried out has not reached all levels of
Surabaya city society.
Keywords : Public Policy, Program Implementation, Program
Innovation, One Stop Integrated Services, Program Lontong Balap