Identifikasi Aktivitas Fisik Dan Perilaku Pasif Siswa SD Al Multazam Surabaya Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Identification of Physical Activity and Passive Behavior of Al Multazam Elementary School Students in Surabaya During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi level intensitas aktivitas fisik dan perilaku pasif siswa SD Al Multazam Kandangan Surabaya di masa pandemi Covid-19. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan seluruh populasi siswa SD Al Multazam yang berjumlah 51 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Physical Activity Questionnaire for children ( PAQ-C) serta mengadopsi kuesioner perilaku pasif dari penelitian terdahulu, PAQ-C berisi pertanyaan yang membahas kegiatan aktivitas fisik yang telah dilakukan selama satu minggu. Data didapat secara online dengan cara menyebarkan link kuesioner melalui google from di grup WhatsApp. Teknik analisis data menggunakan rata-rata dan persentase dengan bantuan aplikasi Excel untuk mengelolah data kuesioner. Hasil penelitian di dapat level intensitas aktivitas fisik 5 siswa kelas 1 termasuk kategori sedang (38%), 8 siswa kelas 2 termasuk kategori rendah (89%), 6 siswa kelas 3 termasuk kategori rendah (75%), 8 siswa kelas 4 termasuk kategori sedang (38%). Dapat diketahui bahwa dalam 1 hari perilaku pasif seperti duduk dan berbaring 12 siswa kelas 1 dengan waktu 2-5 jam (92%), 9 siswa kelas 2 dengan waktu 2-5 jam (100%), 7 siswa kelas 3 dengan waktu 2-5 jam (88%), 21 siswa kelas 4 dengan waktu 2-5 jam (100%). Kesimpulan tingkat aktivitas fisik siswa SD Al Multazam Surabaya dimasa pandemi Covid-19 adalah rendah dan rata-rata waktu perilaku pasif siswa cenderung lama.
Kata Kunci: pembelajaran tatap muka; aktivitas fisik; covid-19
The purpose of this study was to identify the level of physical activity intensity and passive behavior of SD Al Multazam Kandangan Surabaya students during the Covid-19 pandemic. This type of research is descriptive using a quantitative approach. This study used the entire student population of SD Al Multazam, amounting to 51 students. The instrument used is the Physical Activity Questionnaire for children (PAQ-C) and adopts a passive behavior questionnaire from previous research, the PAQ-C contains questions that discuss physical activity activities that have been carried out for one week. The data was obtained online by distributing the questionnaire link via google from in the WhatsApp group. The data analysis technique uses averages and percentages with the help of the Excel application to manage questionnaire data. The results showed that the level of physical activity intensity of 5 students in grade 1 was in the medium category (38%), 8 students in grade 2 were in the low category (89%), 6 students in grade 3 were in the low category (75%), 8 students in grade 4 were in the low category. moderate (38%). It can be seen that in 1 day passive behavior such as sitting and lying down 12 grade 1 students with a time of 2-5 hours (92%), 9 students in grade 2 with a time of 2-5 hours (100%), 7 students in grade 3 with a time of 2-5 hours (88%), 21 grade 4 students with 2-5 hours (100%). The conclusion is that the level of physical activity of students at SD Al Multazam Surabaya during the Covid-19 pandemic is low and the average time for passive behavior of students tends to be long.