Pemerintah Indonesia mengeluarkan kebijakan vaksinasi covid-19 sebagai upaya mengatasi permasalahan covid-19. Puskesmas Kedungdoro merupakan salah satu fasilitas kesehatan yang berada di pusat kota dengan tingkat mobilitas masyarakat yang padat. Dengan kepadatan mobilitas diperlukan kekebalan imunitas kelompok untuk mengatasi penyebaran virus covid-19 dengan melakukan vaksinasi covid-19. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan implementasi Kebijakan Vaksinasi Covid-19 di Puskesmas Kedungdoro sebagai upaya perlindungan diri dari virus covid-19 dengan menggunakan indikator content of policy dan context of policy. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi partisipan, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan indikator content of policy yaitu manfaat adanya kebijakan vaksinasi mampu menurunkan kasus pasien positif dan meninggal akibat covid-19 di Puskesmas Kedungdoro. Hal ini juga didorong dengan peran pelaksana program yang baik dan sumber daya yang sudah tercukupi. Kendala yang ditemui yaitu tingkat kepatuhan masyarakat masih kurang karena takut terhadap jarum suntik, ketakutan penderita komorbid, dan keraguan akan efektivitas vaksin akibat dari penyebaran berita hoax. Sedangkan dalam indikator context of policy, strategi yang digunakan yaitu sosialisasi, pembuatan grup whatsApp, door to door dan monitoring vaksinasi dilakukan melalui aplikasi Pcare dan smile. Proses vaksinasi yang dilakukan Puskesmas Kedungdoro sudah sesuai dengan petunjuk teknis, namun hanya saja kurangnya persiapan dalam pelaksanaannya. Saran peneliti yaitu puskesmas melakukan sosialisasi rutin lebih mendalam dengan menjelaskan isi kebijakan yang mengatur vaksinasi untuk meyakinkan masyarakat terkait pentingnya vaksinasi covid-19 disertai dengan melakukan pengawasan penyebaran berita hoax.
Kata Kunci: Implementasi Kebijakan, Vaksinasi, Covid-19
The Indonesian government issued a COVID-19 vaccination policy as an effort to overcome the Covid-19 problem. The Kedungdoro Health Center is one of the health facilities located in the city center with a dense level of community mobility. With the density of mobility, group immunity is needed to overcome the spread of the Covid-19 virus by vaccinating against Covid-19. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the Covid-19 Vaccination Policy at the Kedungdoro Health Center as an effort to protect themselves from the covid-19 virus by usingindicators content of policy and context of policy. The research method used is a qualitative approach research method with descriptive research type. Data collection techniques used are participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The results of the study were based on indicators of content of policy, namely the benefits of a vaccination policy being able to reduce cases of positive patients and deaths due to COVID-19 at the Kedungdoro Health Center. This is also driven by the role of good program implementers and sufficient resources. The obstacles encountered were the level of community compliance was still lacking due to fear of needles, fear of comorbid patients, and doubts about the effectiveness of vaccines due to the spread ofnews hoax. Meanwhile, inindicators context of policy, the strategies used are socialization, creatinggroups WhatsApp, door to door and vaccination monitoring throughapplications Pcare and Smile. The vaccination process carried out by the Kedungdoro Health Center was in accordance with technical instructions, but there was a lack of preparation in its implementation. The researcher's suggestion is that the puskesmas carry out routine socialization more deeply by explaining the contents of policies that regulate vaccination to convince the public regarding the importance of covid-19 vaccination accompanied by monitoring the spread ofnews hoax.
Keywords: Policy Implementation, Vaccination, Covid-19.