Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah menghasilkan model thinking working sccaffolding sharing (TWSS) yang valid, praktis dan efektif. Tujuan model TWSS, 1) meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang hubungan antar berbagai cabang ilmu dalam IPA, dan hubungan IPA dengan rumpun ilmu yang lain. 2) Meningkatkan kemampuan pedagogik dalam hal mengembangkan kurikulum IPA terpadu. 3) Mendorong peran aktif individu dalam kerja kelompok. Penelitian dilakukan dalam 3 tahap, yaitu: Preliminary study 1, 2 dan tahap penelitian selama 1 semester dengan subyek sebanyak 26 mahasiswa peserta matakuliah Pengembangan Kurikulum IPA SMP (PK IPA SMP). Model pengembangannya menggunakan ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian pengembangan, pendekatannya deskriptif kuantitatif. Validitas isi model TWSS memperoleh kriteria valid. Modul dan perangkat memperoleh nilai sangat valid berdasarkan penilaian validator. Model TWSS yang dikembangkan termasuk praktis, semua tahap model dapat dilaksanakan dengan skor di atas 70%. Model yang dikembangkan termasuk efektif. Pencapaian sikap tanggung jawab individu 81% bagus sekali dan kerja kelompok 91% bagus sekali. Keaktivan dalam diskusi, 31% mencapai nilai cukup, sisanya memperoleh nilai rendah. matakuliah Pengembangan Kurikulum IPA SMP termasuk sulit, fokus mahasiswa adalah mendengar umpan balik dari dosen agar dapat memperbaiki tugas. Rerata hasil karya kompetensi pengetahuan = 67, rerata kompetensi pedagogik = 66, memenuhi kriteria kelulusan berdasarkan buku pedoman UM. Meskipun nilai hasil karya tidak mencapai bagus sekali, namun beberapa karya cukup kreatif dalam ide. Ide kreatif misalnya tematik tentang Perkembangan Penduduk dan Dampaknya bagi Lingkungan.. Mahasiswa melakukan elaborasi matpel IPS, yakni pembahasan tentang: 1) UUD 1945 Pasal 28B tentang Pernikahan. 2) UU No.52 Th 2009 tentang KB. 3) Penyuluhan bahaya pergaulan bebas. 4) Penyuluhan pernikahan dini. Ide kreatif lain misalnya dalam transdisipliner, mahasiswa merancang investigasi penggunaan alat elektronik dalam rumah tangga untuk mengetahui penggunaan listrik yang berlebihan. Semua mahasiswa tuntas dalam menempuh matakuliah Pengembangan Kurikulum IPA SMP di Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UM.
Kata kunci: model TWSS, pengetahuan pedagogik IPA, keterampilan pedagogik IPA
Avia Riza Dwi Kurnia. 2018. Development of Thinking Working Sccaffolding Sharing Cooperative Model to Improve Competency of Natural Science for Preservice Natural Science Teachers. Dissertation, Science Education Program, Post Graduate of Surabaya State University. Supervisor 1: Prof. Dr. Muslimin Ibrahim, M.Pd. Supervisor 2: Dr. Wahono Widodo, M.Si.
The purpose development research of the thinking working scaffolding sharing Cooperative model is produces a valid, practical and effective TWSS model. The purposes of the TWSS model: 1) Increasing knowledge about the relationships between various sub of natural science, and the relationship between natural science and other clusters of science. 2) Improving pedagogic ability in terms development integrayed science curricullum. 3) Encouraging activities role of individuals in group work. This research was conducted in 3 stages: Preliminary study 1, 2 and research phase for 1 semester, subjects were 26 students of the Secondary School Curriculum Development (SSCD) course. The development model used ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). This research was classified development research quantitative descriptive approach. The content validity of the TWSS model was valid. Module and lesson plan have obtained very valid criteria according to validator assesment. The TWSS model developed was practical, all stages of the model were carried out with a score above 70%. The TWSS model developed was classified as effective. Individual responsibility attitudes reached 81% excellent and group work was 91% very good. Activity in the discussion achieved 31% moderate value, the rest got low scores. SSCD course is a difficult subject, the focus of students is to hear feedback from lecturers, so that they can revise their assignments. The average of knowledge competence = 67, the average of pedagogic competence = 66. Even though the value of the work did not achieve very well, some works were quite creative in the idea. Creative ideas such as thematic about Increase Population and Its Impact on the Environment. Students do elaboration on Social Sciences subjects, namely a discussion of: 1) Article 28B of the 1945 Constitution concerning Marriage. 2) Law No.52 Th 2009 concerning Family Planning. 3) Extension of danger of promiscuity. 4) Early marriage counseling. Other creative ideas, for example in transdisciplinarity, students design investigations on the use of electronic devices in households to find out about excessive electricity use.
All students have mastery for SSCD course at the Biology Department, Faculty of Math and Natural Science State University of Malang.
Keywords: TWSS model, knowledge of science pedagogy, science pedagogy skills