Salah satu materi matematika yang diajarkan di SMA ialah Eksponen. Materi eksponen penting dipelajari karena dibutuhkan sebagai prasyarat materi matematika lainnya, konsep dasar materi ini diberikan pada bangku SMP meski demikian tidak menutup kemungkinan ditemukannya kesalahan pada siswa SMA. Kesalahan yang terjadi diduga karena adanya kesulitan. Untuk perbaikan pembelajaran, kesalahan yang teridentifikasi perlu dianalisis untuk dicari tahu penyebabnya agar dapat diberi tindakan yang sesuai dan meminimalisir ditemukan kesalahan serupa di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan tujuan menganalisis jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal eksponen berdasarkan prosedur Newman serta faktor yang menyebabkan siswa melakukan kesalahan tersebut. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan metode tes tulis dan wawancara. Tes tulis yang digunakan berupa tes diagnostik materi eksponen. Subjek penelitian 3 siswa dari 31 siswa kelas X IPA 3 SMA Hang Tuah 2 Sidoarjo yang dipilih berdasarkan banyaknya kesalahan yang dilakukan saat tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal eksponen yaitu (1) kesalahan membaca soal; (2) kesalahan memahami soal; (3) kesalahan transformasi soal; (4) kesalahan keterampilan proses; (5) kesalahan menuliskan jawaban. Adapun faktor penyebab kesalahan yang ditemukan yakni siswa kurang memahami konsep eksponen, kurang memahami syarat penggunaan sifat eksponen, kesulitan menghadapi soal berbentuk soal cerita, sulit untuk menentukan rumus, siswa jarang menyiapkan bahan belajar di kelas, tidak mengulangi kembali materi yang diperoleh, kurangnya latihan soal, mudah bosan apabila tidak paham materi, dan enggan bertanya saat menemukan kesulitan.
One of the mathematics materials taught in high school is Exponent. Exponential material is important to learn because it is needed as a prerequisite for other mathematics materials, the basic concepts of this material are given in junior high school, although it does not rule out the possibility of finding errors in high school students. The error that occurs is thought to be due to difficulties. To improve learning, the identified errors need to be analyzed to find out the cause so that appropriate actions can be given and minimize the discovery of similar errors in the future. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with the aim of analyzing the types of errors made by students in solving exponential problems based on the Newman procedure and the factors that cause students to make these mistakes. The data collection technique used the written test and interview methods. The written test used is a diagnostic test of exponential material. The research subjects were 3 students from 31 students of class X IPA 3 SMA Hang Tuah 2 Sidoarjo who were selected based on the number of errors made during the test. The results showed that the errors made by students in solving exponential problems were (1) errors in reading the questions; (2) misunderstood the question; (3) problem transformation error; (4) process skill errors; (5) an error in writing the answer. The factors that caused the errors found were students did not understand the concept of exponents, did not understand the terms of using exponential properties, had difficulty dealing with story questions, found it difficult to determine formulas, students rarely prepared learning materials in class, did not repeat the material obtained, lack of practice questions, easily bored if they don't understand the material, and are reluctant to ask when they find difficulties.