Bullying is bullying
by a person or group of people who are psychologically or physically stronger
repeatedly. Bullying cases
often occur, especially in the world of education, as many as 26.32% of bullying cases occur in grade 8 SMP /
MTs. If left unchecked, it can have a negative impact on the victim. The
negative impact experienced is depression to the emergence of suicidal
thoughts. So there needs to be an effort to increase anti-bullying awareness in students. This
development research aims to produce group guidance products for sociodrama
techniques with Ande-Ande Lumut folklore to increase anti-bullying awareness in junior high
school students that meet the acceptability criteria and are feasible to
This study uses research and development (R&D)
from the ADDIE procedure which consists of five stages, including: Analysis,
Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluatiton. The data collection
techniques used were acceptability test questionnaire and anti-bullying awareness questionnaire. In
the implementation stage, the guide was tested on 8 students who had low anti-bullying awareness. The analysis used
is quantitative analysis including, analysis of expert validation and analysis
of test results. In addition, qualitative analysis includes expert suggestions.
Based on the material expert test, the value of 96.85% indicates very feasible
criteria, no need for revision, media experts get a value of 83.3% indicates
very feasible criteria, no need for revision, and the user expert test gets a
value of 90.6% indicates very feasible criteria, no need for revision. In
addition, based on the assessment of the trial using the N-Gain calculation, it
got a value of 60% with a fairly effective category. Thus, it can be concluded
that the sociodrama technique group guidance guide with folklore content
ande-ande moss has met the acceptability test criteria of material, media, and
users based on aspects of usefulness, feasibility, accuracy, and
appropriateness and is effective to be applied.
Development, Sociodrama, Ande-Ande Lumut Folktale, Anti Bullying Awareness, and Junior High School