Keterlibatan motivasi juga menjadi bagian dari partisipasi siswa karena berperan sangat penting dalam suatu kegiatan atau keikutsertaan. Partisipasi siswa dalam mengikuti kegiatan di sekolah maupun diluar sekolah dapat ditunjukkan dengan keaktifannya. Program untuk meningkatkan kualitas individu seorang siswa mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar motivasi dan motivasi partisipasi apa yang paling dominan pada siswa dalam mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler pencak silat. Peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan populasi sejumlah 70 peserta ekstrakurikuler. Instrumen berasal dari angket yang diadopsi dari (Gill et al., 1983) dan wawancara. Peneliti menggunakan kuesioner motivasi yang terdiri dari enam indikator pernyataan. Data diambil melalui google form yang disebar melalui aplikasi whatsapp. Setelah itu data tersebut diolah menggunakan statistic SPSS untuk mengetahui Mean, Standart Deviasi dan Presentase. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, keseluruhan siswa ekstrakurikuler berjumlah 70 memiliki motivasi partisipasi sangat tinggi dengan rata-rata persentase 96,13%. Berdasarkan persentase indikator dari 6 indikator memperoleh rata-rata persentase 96,12%, dapat disimpulkan bahwa motivasi partisipasi termasuk dalam kategori Sangat Tinggi. Motivasi Partisipasi yang paling dominan terdapat pada indikator kebugaran atau fitnes dengan persentase 98,57%.
Kata kunci: Motivasi Partisipasi, Ekstrakurikuler, Pencak silat
Motivational involvement is also part of student participation because it plays a very important role in an activity or participation. Student participation in taking part in activities at school and outside school can be shown by their activeness. One of the programs to improve the individual quality of a student is participating in extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities are those that take place after school hours. Any student who wants to participate in extracurricular activities needs to be motivated to do so in order to increase his enthusiasm for doing so. Through physical education, students can acquire knowledge and skills, cultivate appreciation, acquire transferable skills and a positive outlook, and improve their physical conditions all while achieving physical education goals that will equip them to perform tasks for their own nation as well as for others. A subject covered in PJOK is martial arts called pencak silat. The study's goal is to ascertain how motivated students are to participate in extracurricular pencak silat activities at SMP Negeri 2 Pungging Mojokerto. This type of research uses quantitative descriptive research, using the entire population of participants who take part in the pencak silat extracurricular at SMP Negeri 2 Pungging class VII, VIII and IX, namely 70 extracurricular participants consisting of 34 men and 36 women. The instruments used in this research were a questionnaire adopted from (Gill et al., 1983) and interviews. The data collection technique uses a motivation questionnaire consisting of 6 statement indicators. Data collection is carried out online via Google form which is distributed via the WhatsApp application. After obtaining data related to the level of motivation for extracurricular participant participation, the data was then processed using SPSS statistical software by knowing the Mean, Standard Deviation and Percentage. Based on the results of research conducted, a total of 70 extracurricular students had very high participation motivation with an average percentage of 96.13%. Based on the indicator percentage of the 6 indicators, the average percentage is 96.12%, it can be concluded that participation motivation is included in the Very High category. The most dominant motivation for participation is the fitness indicator with a percentage of 98.57%.
Keywords: Participation Motivation, Extracurricular, Pencak silat.