Menulis adalah salah satu bentuk dari komunikasi tidak langsung yang melibatkan beberapa proses. Ketika menulis suatu teks, siswa harus melalui beberapa tahap seperti perencanaan, penggambaran ide, revisi, dan mengedit. Tahap revisi dapat mempengaruhi kemajuan siswa. Tahap revisi dikenal juga sebagai umpan balik (feedback). Feedback adalah informasi yang diberikan oleh seseorang sebagai bentuk koreksian dari hasil kerja siswa untuk memperbaiki kemampuan menulis. Feedback dapat dilakukan oleh guru atau siswa (peer). Akhir-akhir ini, umpan balik rekan sejawat (peer feedback) memiliki peran dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa. Written corrective feedback mempunyai pengaruh pada setiap tipenya. Oleh karena itu, peniliti ingin mengetahui tipe koreksian tertulis siswa dan alasan memilih tipe itu.
Penilitian ini merupakan case study. Subjek dari penilitian ini adalah siswa kelas 10 dari SMA Negeri 1 Rejoso. 34 murid ini sedang mendapatkan pembelajaran recount text sebagai bentuk pelaksanaan dari KD 3.4. Instrumen dari penilitian ini adalah peniliti dan panduan interview. Peniliti mengambil data melalui hasil feedback siswa, group interview, dan interview. Data yang didapatkan kemudian di analisis oleh peniliti.
Hasil dari penilitian ini ditemukan 2 tipe feedback dalam hasil peer feedback yaitu uncoded indirect feedback, dan reformulation feedback. Lalu, alasan siswa mengenai pemilihan tipe feedback dikategorikan menjadi dua kategori ; tingkat praktisya pemberian feedback dan peningkatan diri siswa. Peniliti menemukan siswa memilih untuk menggunakan uncoded indirect dan reformulation feedback karena mereka mempertimbangkan tingkat kepraktisan dalam pemberian feedback berdasarkan visibilitas penggunaan tanda. Ketika menerima uncoded indirect dan reformulation feedback, peningkatan diri siswa dalam kemampuan menulis juga diharapkan meningkat. Menjadi siswa yang mandiri dan meningkatnya tingkat kesadaran siswa termasuk faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan diri siswa.
Writing is an indirect communication which involves some stages to do. In writing a text, students must pass some steps such as planning, drafting, revising, and editing. Revision step could affect to improvement of the students. Revision is known as feedback. Feedback is an information given by people as a correction of output made by students to improve their writing. Feedback could be done by the teacher or peer. Recently, peer feedback had contributed to improvement of the students in writing skill. Peer feedback could be done in written or oral but written feedback perform better than oral feedback. Since each types of written corrective feedback was proven giving an effect on improvement of the students, the researcher wanted to find out the types of written corrective feedback made by peer and the reason why choosing those types of written corrective feedback.
This study is a case study. The subject were 10th graders of SMA Negeri 1 Rejoso. There are 34 students who were learning about recount text as the implementation of KD 3.4. The research instrument are students’ written feedback and interview guideline. They are to find the types of written corrective feedback conducted among students themselves. The researcher took the data through written feedback made by students, group interview, and deep interview.
The result of the study shows there are 2 types found in students’ written feedback, they are uncoded indirect feedback and reformulation feedback. The researcher found most of students used uncoded indirect feedback rather than reformulation feedback. Then, reason of the students were categorized into two category; the practicality of giving feedback and student self improvement. The researcher found that the students are considering the practicality of giving feedback while using uncoded indirect feedback and reformulation. The visibility of using sign is the reason of the students why using uncoded indirect feedback and reformulation feedback. Meanwhile, student self improvement is expected to be increased as the effect of receiving uncoded indirect feedback and reformulation feedback. Being independent learner and increasing awareness in students are reason of the students in choosing uncoded indirect feedback which led to student self improvement.