Penelitian ini bertujuan : (1) mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan instrumen penilaian seni tari kurikulum 2013 untuk siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar, dan (2) mendeskripsikan kualitas instrumen penilaian seni tari kurikulum 2013 untuk peserta didik kelas IV Sekolah Dasar.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (R&D) oleh Four-D dengan tiga tahap pelaksanaan pengembangan yaitu : (1) tahap pendefinisian (define), (2) tahap perancangan (design), dan (3) pengembangan (development). Penelitian dilakukan di SDK ST Merry Surabaya kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan angket.
Hasil pengembangan instrumen penilaian SBDP (Seni Budaya dan Prakarya) kurikulum 2013 untuk siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar diketahui bahwa, validitas diperoleh dari hasil penilaian akhir dua validator. Dari hasil penilaian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa validitas produk pengembangan instrumen penilaian SBDP kurikulum 2013 untuk peserta didik kelas IV Sekolah Dasar memperoleh nilai 33,5 dengan kategori angket sangat layak dengan prosentase 95%. Sedangkan data reliabilitas diperoleh peneliti dari hasil uji coba terbatas dan skala uji coba luas. Uji coba terbatas dengan 10 responden atau peserta didik sudah menunjukkan hasil reliabilitas yang bagus tanpa revisi, selanjutnya diuji cobakan secara luas dengan 26 responden atau peserta didik yang menghasilkan nilai reliabilitas 0,77 dengan kategori reliabilitas sedang.
Kata Kunci : Kurikulum 2013, Pembelajaran Tematik, Instrumen Penilaian, Pelajaran SBDP (Seni Budaya dan Prakarya)
This study aims to: (1) describe the process of developing the 2013 curriculum curriculum dance instruments for grade IV elementary school students, and (2) describe the quality of the 2013 curriculum dance arts assessment instruments for fourth grade students of elementary school
This research is a research development (R & D) by Four-D with three stages of implementation of development, namely: (1) the stage of defining (2) the stage of design (design), and (3) development (development). The research was conducted at the SDK ST Merry Surabaya in the fourth grade of elementary school. The data collection technique in this study used a questionnaire
The results of the development of the SBDP (Cultural Arts and Craft) assessment instruments of the 2013 curriculum for elementary school fourth grade students are known that, validity is obtained from the results of the final evaluation of two validators, from the results of the assessment it can be concluded that the product validity of the development of the 2013 SBDP curriculum assessment instrument for elementary school students in grade IV obtained a score of 33.5 with a very appropriate questionnaire category. While reliability data obtained by researchers from the results of limited trials and the scale of extensive trials. Limited trials with 10 respondents or students have shown good results of reliability without revision, then tested extensively with 26 respondents or students who produce reliability values of 0.77 with moderate reliability categories.
Keywords: 2013 Curriculum, Thematic Learning, Assessment Instruments, SBDP Lessons (Cultural and Craft Arts)