Hubungan antara Psychological Well-Being dengan Work Engagement pada Guru SMK
The Relationship between Psychological Well-Being and Work Engagement in Vocational High School Teachers
Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara psychological well-being dengan work engagement pada guru SMK X. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan korelasional. Subjek dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 65 guru tetap SMK X yang didapat dengan teknik sampling jenuh. Adapun teknik pengambilan data menggunakan skala yang terdiri dari skala psychological well-being dan skala work engagement. Data yang telah terkumpul selanjutnya di analisa menggunakan teknik analisis korelasi Pearson product moment yang perhitungannya menggunakan program software SPSS 26.0 for Windows. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, diperoleh nilai signifikansi pada kedua variabel sebesar 0,000 (p<0,05), dan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,761 (r=0,761). Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil bahwa psychological well-being dan work engagement pada guru SMK memiliki hubungan yang kuat dan searah. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa semakin tinggi psychological well-being maka semakin tinggi work engagement guru. Demikian pula sebaliknya jika psychological well-being rendah, maka work engagement guru juga rendah.
Kata Kunci: psychological well-being, work engagement, guru
This study aims to determine the relationship between psychological well-being and work engagement in SMK X teachers. The method used in this study is a quantitative method with a correlational approach. The subjects in this study were 65 permanent teachers of SMK X obtained by saturated sampling technique. The data collection technique uses a scale consisting of a psychological well-being scale and a work engagement scale. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using the Pearson product moment correlation analysis technique whose calculations are assisted by the SPSS 26.0 for Windows software program. Based on the results of data analysis, the significance value for both variables was 0.000 (p<0.05), and the correlation coefficient was 0.761 (r=0.761). This study shows the results that psychological well-being and work engagement in vocational teachers have a strong and unidirectional relationship. This proves that the higher the psychological well-being, the higher the teacher's work engagement. And vice versa if psychological well-being is low, the work engagement of teachers is also low.
Keywords: psychological well-being, work engagement, teachers