Studi Literatur Identifikasi Platform Dan Perkembangan Ekonomi Digital Di
Literature Study on Platform Identification and Development of the Digital Economy in
Ekonomi digital adalah fenomena yang dapat mempengaruhi sistem ekonomi. Seiring bertambahnya pengguna dunia maya, secara tidak langsung ekonomi digital turut ikut berkembang. Munculnya berbagai kemudahan dan layanan yang ada dalam ekonomi digital menjadi suatu tendensi bagi masyarakat. Untuk saat ini, perlu adanya bimbingan serta regulasi yang tepat seiring dengan jalannya pertumbuhan ekonomi digital agar keberlangsungannya tetap seimbang baik untuk pelaku ekonomi dalam negeri maupun luar negri. Oleh sebab itu, peneliti ingin melihat perkembangan maupun perbedaan ekonomi digital beserta implementasinya. Mengacu pada hasil studi literatur ini, perkembangan ekonomi digital meningkat pesat yang ditandai dengan banyaknya startup yang muncul, maraknya perdagangan secara online lewat e-commerce, serta masuknya inverstor asing. implementasi dalam ekonomi digital ada dalam berbagai platform seperti e-commerce, fintech payment, transportation, serta traveltech. Valuasi terbesar untuk saat ini jatuh kepada platform e-commerce. Namun terdapat beberapa perbedaan perkembangannya dengan luar negeri, salah satunya yaitu kurangnya kualitas tenaga kerja, infrastruktur, serta keamanan data yang mana di negara lain kekurangan itu sudah mulai berkurang.
The digital economy is a phenomenon that can affect the economic system. Along with the increasing number of users of the virtual world, indirectly the digital economy also develops. The emergence of various facilities and services in the digital economy has become a trend for the community. For now, it is necessary to have proper guidance and regulations in line with the growth of the digital economy so that its sustainability remains balanced for both domestic and foreign economic actors. Therefore, researchers want to see the developments and differences in the digital economy and its implementation. Referring to the results of this literature study, the development of the digital economy is increasing rapidly, which is marked by the number of startups appearing, the rise of online trading through e-commerce, and the entry of foreign investors. implementation in the digital economy is in various platforms such as e-commerce, fintech payments, transportation, and traveltech. The biggest valuation so far goes to e-commerce platforms. However, there are some differences in development with foreign countries, one of which is the lack of quality of manpower, infrastructure, and data security, which in other countries have begun to decrease.