Nambangan Cumpat Villange, RW 02, Kedung Cowek Village,
Bulak District, Surabaya City is a fishing village located at the coast of
Kenjeran Beach, Surabaya City. 40% of the population of Kedung Cowek Village as
a fisherman, and rely on the Kenjeran coast for their daily livelihood.
Fisherman’s catch are in the form of shells, but only the meat are used, so it
has an impact on the accumulation of shell waste on the coast. The purpose of
the study are to determine : 1) Attitude of shellfish fisherman in utilizing
shell waste, 2) Behavior of shellfish fisherman in utilizing shell waste.
This research method used a survey method with a
quantitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used
questionnaires, documentation, and observation. Quoestionnaries are used to
determine the attitude of shellfish fisherman in utilizing shellfish waste,
while observations are used to determine the behavior of shellfish fisherman in
utilizing shellfish waste. The research location are at the Fisherman’s
Village, Kenjeran Beach,Bulak District, Surabaya City. The population as well
as the sample in this study are all shellfish fisherman at the RW 02 Kedung
Cowek Village, totaling 103 fisherman. After the data was collected, in is
analyze using a Likert Scale and scoring calculations.
The results of data analysis show 1) Attitude of shellfish
fishermen in utilizing shellfish waste are divided into two categories, namely
"supportive attitude" and "unsupportive attitude". The
respondent's score is 2.293, this shows that the attitude level of shellfish
fishermen are in the "supportive attitude" category. 2) Behavior of
shellfish fishermen in utilizing shellfish waste are included in the category
of bad behavior after observed until 5 days,, because shellfish fishermen still
dispose of shellfish waste in the sea after separating it from meat.
Keywords : utilization of shell waste, attitude, behavior