Saluran Sekunder Ulo dengan luas daerah irigasi sebesar 1,352 ha merupakan salah satu saluran sekunder yang ada di Saluran Induk Madiun. Saluran Sekunder Ulo ini mendapat suplesi dari tiga bendung yaitu Bendung Semawur, Bendung Jati dan Bendung Gondrok yang terletak di Kabupaten Madiun. Daerah Irigasi Saluran Induk Madiun telah dilakukan rehabilitasi pada tahun 2019, dan telah selesai di tahun 2022. Daerah Irigasi Saluran Induk Madiun masih kekurangan air. Metode yang digunakan untuk meghitung kebutuhan air adalah Metode Klimatologi, Metode FJ. Mock, dan Metode Neraca Air. Dari perhitungan tersebut didapatkan bahwa kondisi sebelum rehabilitasi nilai ketersediaan air tidak bisa memenuhi kebutuhan air pertanian di wilayah Saluran Sekunder Ulo. Pada kondisi sebelum rehabilitasi suplesi Bendung Jati sebesar 18% antara 0, 43 m3/dt - 0,72 m3/dt, dengan pengambilan di intake Bendung Semawur sebesar 0,06 m3/dt dan pengambilan di intake Bendung Gondrok sebesar 0,07 m3/dt. Ketersediaan air yang ada hanya bisa memenuhi kebutuhan pola tanam padi (20%) - palawija (40%) - palawija (45%), dengan nilai debit sisa terkecil sebesar 0,09 m3/dt pada Bulan April III. Setelah di rehabilitasi, nilai suplesi Bendung Jati sebesar 15% antara 2,17 m3/dt - 2,72 m3/dt, dengan pengambilan di intake Bendung Semawur sebesar 0,06 m3/dt dan pengambilan di intake Bendung Gondrok sebesar 0,07 m3/dt. Nilai prosentase setelah rehabilitasi lebih kecil dari sebelum rehabilitasi tetapi suplesi lebih besar. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut direncanakan beberapa alternatif pola tanam yaitu Padi (100%) - Palawija (100%)- Palawija(100%), Padi (100%) - Padi(100%) - Palawija (100%) dan Padi(100%) - Padi (100%) - Padi (100%) dengan keuntungan sebesar Rp. 6.415.515.780,00 pada kondisi sebelum adanya rehabilitasi dan setelah rehabilitasi pada alternatif III dengan pola tanam padi(100%)-padi(100%)-padi(100%) didapatkan keuntungan tertinggi sebesar Rp. 62.144.490.720,00
Kata Kunci: FJ. Mock, Kebutuhan Air, Neraca Air, Pola Tanam
Ulo Secondary Canal which has an irrigation area of 1,352 ha is one of the secondary canals in the Madiun Main Canal. Ulo Secondary Canal is supplied by three dams namely Semawur Dam, Jati Dam and Gondrok Dam which are located in Madiun Regency. The Madiun Main Canal Irrigation Area has been rehabilitated in 2019, and has been completed in 2022. The Madiun Main Irrigation Channel area is still in need of water. The methods used to calculate water requirements are Climatology Method, FJ. Mock Method, and Water Balance Method. From the calculation, it is known that the condition before rehabilitation, the value of water availability cannot fulfill agricultural water needs in the Ulo Secondary Canal area. In conditions before rehabilitation, the supply from Jati Dam is 18% with a value between 0.43 m3/s - 0.72 m3/s, coupled with water withdrawal at the Semawur Dam intake of 0.06 m3/s and water withdrawal at the Gondrok Dam intake of 0.07 m3/s. The existing water availability can only fulfill the needs of the cropping pattern of paddy (20%) - crops (40%) - crops (45%), with the smallest residual discharge value of 0.09 m3/s in April III. After rehabilitation, the supply value of Jati Dam is 15% with a value between 2.17 m3/s - 2.72 m3/s, with water withdrawal at the Semawur Dam intake of 0.06 m3/s and water withdrawal at the Gondrok Dam intake of 0.07 m3/s.The percentage value after rehabilitation is smaller than before rehabilitation but the value of water supply is bigger. Based on these conditions, several alternative cropping patterns are planned, such as Paddy (100%) - Crops (100%) - Crops (100%), Paddy (100%) - Paddy (100%) - Crops (100%) and Paddy (100%) - Paddy (100%) - Paddy (100%) with a profit amounting to IDR 6,415,515,780.00 in conditions before rehabilitation and after rehabilitation, on alternative III with a cropping pattern of paddy (100%) - paddy (100%) - paddy (100%) obtained the highest profit amounting to IDR 62,144,490,720.00.
Keywords: F.J. Mock, Water Requirements, Water Balance, Planting Patterns