KEBERMAKNAAN HIDUP MANTAN KORBAN KDRT (Studi Kasus pada Wanita Mantan Korban KDRT di Bungah, Gresik)
MEANING OF LIFE THE FORMER VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (Case Study on Women Former Victims of Domestic Violence in Bungah, Gresik)
Mantan korban KDRT di Bungah, Gresik telah merasakan pengalaman pahit berupa tindak kekerasan. Kondisi dan dampak negatif KDRT, tidak membuat mantan korban KDRT menyerah. Mereka mampu membebaskan diri dari KDRT, serta menemukan kebermaknaan hidup dan hikmah dari penderitaan yang telah dialami. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran kebermaknaan hidup pada wanita mantan korban KDRT di wilayah Bungah. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus yang berfokus pada dua partisipan mantan korban KDRT di Bungah. Wawancara menjadi teknik utama pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini, dengan triangulasi sumber sebagai uji keabsaan, dan thematic analysis sebagai metode analisis data. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa wanita mantan korban KDRT di Bungah telah mengalami penderitaan berupa tindak kekerasan yang membuat mereka merasa meaningless. Penerimaan diri selanjutnya membawa mereka menuju tahap pencarian makna hidup melalui tiga nilai, yaitu nilai kreativitas, nilai penghayatan, dan nilai bersikap. Kebermaknaan hidup yang berhasil ditemukan membuat mantan korban KDRT merasakan kebahagiaan dalam hidup.
Kata Kunci: makna hidup, mantan korban KDRT, Bungah.
Former victims of domestic violence in Bungah, Gresik had bitter experiences in the form of violence. The negative conditions and impacts of domestic violence don’t make the former victims of domestic violence give up. They are able to free themselves from domestic violence, and find the meaning of life and wisdom from the suffering they have experienced. This study aims to describe the meaning of life from women former victims of domestic violence in Bungah area. This qualitative study uses a case study approach that focused on two participants, the former victims of domestic violence in Bungah. Interviews are the main data collection technique in this study, with source triangulation as the validity test and thematic analysis as the data analysis method.The results of study, found that the women former victims of domestic violence in Bungah had suffered in the form of violence that made them feel meaningless. Self-acceptance then leads them to the stage of searching for the meaning of life through three values, namely creativity values, experiental values, and attituditional values. The meaning of life that succesful to be found, makes former victims of domestic violence feel happiness in life.
Key words: Meaning of life, Former victims of domestic violence, Bungah.