This research was carried out to produce learning materials based on Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) on accounting computer subject for class XI. In this research, the learning materials based on CAI is arranged and developed using Adobe Captivate 9 software, so that produce an interactive learning materials with tutorials, simulations, and games model. The final results of learning materials based on CAI are packaged in Compact Disk (CD) form and equipped with a companion book for teachers and students. This reseacrh was aimed to (1) describe the process of developing learning materials based on CAI using Adobe Captivate on accounting computer subject for class XI accounting of SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya, (2) analyze the feasibility of learning materials based on CAI using Adobe Captivate on accounting computer subject for class XI accounting of SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya, (3) analyze the responses of students to the learning materials based on CAI using Adobe Captivate on accounting computer subject for class XI accounting of SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya.
The type of this research is Research and Development (R&D). The research is designed using Hannafin & Peck model which consists of the need analysis phase, the design phase, the development and implementation phase, followed by evaluation and revision at each phase. However, this research didn’t through the summative assessment stage. The learning materials based on CAI consists of introduction, learning materials, simulations, exercises, final evaluations, games, World of Words, profiles, and references.
The feasibility of learning material based on CAI is obtained through review and validation process by material experts, graphic experts, and linguists. In general, learning material based on CAI obtains the percentage of validity results of 91,5% in the category “very feasible” for use in the learning process, with details of 94,5% for material content aspects, 90% for material presentation aspects, 84% for graphic aspects, 98,5% for linguistic aspects. Pilot testing results for twenty people students obtained “very good” responses from the students with a gain of 96,7%.
Keywords: learning materials, Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), accounting computer, Hannafin & Peck development model.