SWOT Analysis of Development at Mitra FC Kebunagung Sumenep Soccer School
Sepakbola adalah cabang olahraga beregu. Suatu kesebelasan yang baik, kuat, tangguh adalah kesebelasan yang mampu mempengaruhi permainan, artinya mempunyai kerjasama tim yang baik dan didukung pula dengan teknik yang baik. Untuk mendapatkan hasil pembinaan prestasi yang maksimal, Sekolah Sepakbola Mitra FC Kebunagung Sumenep melakukan analisis SWOT Strength (kekuatan), Weakness (kelemahan), Oppurtunites (peluang), Threats (ancaman). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi Sepakbola Mitra FC Kebunagung Sumenep untuk meraih prestasi maksimal.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian kualitatif deskriptif murni, yaitu penelitian yang benar-benar hanya memaparkan apa yang terdapat atau terjadi dalam sebuah kancah, lapangan, atau wilayah tertentu. Data diperoleh menggunakan observasi dan wawancara, yaitu data seputar pembinaan, sarana dan prasarana, pendanaan serta sumber daya manusia.
Football is a sport of team games. So a good, strong, tough team is a team consisting of players who are able to influence the game, meaning that it has good teamwork and is also supported by good technique. To get the maximum results, the Football School Mitra FC Kebunagung Sumenep conducted a SWOT analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunites, Threats. This study aims to determine what factors influence the Football Mitra FC Kebunagung Sumenep to achieve maximum performance.
The method used in purely descriptive qualitative research, namely research that really only describes what is or occurs in a particular scene, field, or area. Data were obtained using observations and interviews, namely data about coaching, facilities and infrastructure, funding and human resources.
The research results show that Strength includes the quality of the coach and the talent of the players. Weaknesses include the lack of funds and infrastructure. Opportunities include the injection of funds. Threats include the athlete's loss of motivation to develop.