Gas asam sangat berguna dalam proses industri dan laboratorium, namun juga dapat membahayakan kesehatan para pekerja apabila terpapar secara terus menerus. Oleh karena itu perlu ditanggulangi dengan membuat sensor gas asam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis performa sensor berbahan polianilin (PANi) pada gas asam kuat (HCl) dan asam lemah (CH3COOH). PANi dapat disintesis dengan menggunakan metode elektrodeposisi pada permukaan substrat ITO dengan menggunakan scan rate sebesar 100 mV/s dan siklus sebanyak 10. Hasil uji spektroskopi PANi sebelum dan sesudah terpapar gas CH3COOH tidak menunjukkan perbedaan dan masih dalam range gugus fungsi PANi. Untuk mengetahui performa penginderaan lapisan PANi terhadap gas analit dilakukan uji menggunakan Four Point Probe (FPP) didapatkan hasil recovery time, response time, dan sensitivitas yang cenderung meningkat seiring peningkatan konsentrasi gas analit yang dipaparkan. Pada penginderaan CH3COOH terendah (1 ppm) didapatkan response time sebesar 29.7 s, recovery time sebesar 21.9 s, dan sensitivitas sebesar 5.11 %. Pada penginderaan CH3COOH tertinggi (10 ppm) didapatkan response time sebesar 50.3 s, recovery time sebesar 39.7 s, dan sensitivitas sebesar 13.64 %. Pada penginderaan HCl terendah (1 ppm) didapatkan response time sebesar 42.6 s, recovery time sebesar 32.4 s, dan sensitivitas sebesar 7.82 %. Pada penginderaan HCl tertinggi (10 ppm) didapatkan response time sebesar 60.6 s, recovery time sebesar 55.3 s, dan sensitivitas sebesar 16.31 %. Sehingga, lapisan PANi layak digunakan sebagai bahan fungsional sensor gas asam (CH3COOH dan HCl).
Kata kunci: PANi, elektrodeposisi, ITO, lapisan tipis, sensor, gas asam, recovery time, response time, sensitivitas
Acid gas is very useful in industrial and laboratory processes, but can also endanger the health of workers if exposed continuously. Therefore it needs to be overcome by making acid gas sensors. This study aims to analyze the performance of sensors made fromed on strong acid (HCl) and weak acid (CH3COOH) vapor. PANi can be synthesized using the electrodeposition method on the surface of ITO substrates using a scan rate of 100 mV/s and 10 cycles. The PANI spectroscopic test results before and after CH3COOH vapor exposure showed no difference and were still within the range of the PANI functional groups. A test was conducted using a Four Point Probe (FPP) to examine the sensing performance of the PANI thin film against analyte gas. The findings of recovery time, response time, and sensitivity, which tended to rise as the concentration of analyte gas exposed increased, were obtained. The lowest CH3COOH sensing (1 ppm) obtained a response time of 29.7 s, a recovery time of 21.9 s, and a sensitivity of 5.11%. The highest CH3COOH sensing (10 ppm) obtained a response time of 50.3 s, a recovery time of 39.7 s, and a sensitivity of 13.64%. The lowest HCl sensing (1 ppm) obtained a response time of 42.6 s, a recovery time of 32.4 s, and a sensitivity of 7.82%. The highest HCl sensing (10 ppm) obtained a response time of 60.6 s, a recovery time of 55.3 s, and a sensitivity of 16.31%. Thus, the PANI thin film is suitable as a functional material for acid gas sensors.
Keywords: PANi, electrodeposition, ITO, thin film, sensors, acid vapor, recovery time, response time, sensitivity