Motif Penanaman Religious Culture di SMPN 3 Tuban
Cultivation Motive of Religious Culture at SMPN 3 Tuban
Budaya religius merupakan sebuah tindakan pembiasaan yang mempunyai unsur nilai-nilai agama. Penanaman budaya religius di sekolah mempunyai peran dalam pembentukan karakter peserta didik. Pada umumnya kegiatan religius terjadi di sekolah-sekolah yang berstatus sekolah religius. Namun salah satu sekolah di Tuban yaitu SMPN 3 Tuban, yang termasuk sekolah umum dan berstatus negeri memberikan perhatian khsusus dan memiliki ciri khas tersendiri dalam penanaman budaya religius. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membongkar bagaimana motif penanaman religious culture di SMPN 3 Tuban. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis perspektif fenomenologi Alferd Schutz. Pengambilan data penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan perspektif fenomenologi Alferd Schutz dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan because motif (motif sebab) dan in order to motive (motif tujuan). Because motif dari penanaman budaya religius yaitu kondisi sekolah masih minim dari nilai keagamaan. Berawal dari kondisi tersebut, salah satu guru tergerak untuk melakukan perubahan dengan menumbuhkan budaya religius. Motif tujuannya yaitu untuk meningkatkan pengamalan ajaran agama, meningkatkan membaca dan memahami al qur’an maupun al kitab, serta membentuk akhlak yang baik.
Kata kunci: motif, penanaman, dan budaya religius.
Religious culture is an act of habituation that has no religious values. The cultivation of religious culture in schools has a role in shaping the character of students. In general, religious activities occur in schools with the status of religious schools. However, one of the schools in Tuban is SMPN 3 Tuban, which is a public and state school that pays special attention and has its own characteristics in inculcating religious culture. This study aims to uncover the motives for planting religious culture at SMPN 3 Tuban. This study uses qualitative research methods with phenomenological analysis from the perspective of Alfred Schutz. The data collection of this research was carried out by means of observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the phenomenological perspective of Alfred Schutz in this study, it shows because of the motive (causal motive) and the sequence of motives (destination motive). Because the motive for cultivating religious culture is that the condition of the school is still minimal from religious values. Starting from these conditions, one of the teachers was moved to make changes by fostering a religious culture. The motive of the goal is to improve the practice of religious teachings, improve reading and understanding of the Qur'an and the Bible, as well as good morals.
Keywords: motive, cultivation, and religious culture.