Penelitian ini bertujuan memahami makna nilai raport siswa tunagrahita. Tunagrahita merupakan siswa yang mengalami kemampuan intelektual dibawah rata -rata, sehingga perlunya pendidikan khusus bagi mereka. Sekolah luar biasa (SLB) adalah institusi pendidikan formal khusus bagi siswa tunagrahita. Hasil luaran SLB biasanya berupa nilai rapor. Nilai rapor merupakan kumpulan hasil belajar siswa selama satu semester. Menariknya, penelitian ini menunjukkan kurangnya partisipasi para orang tua terhadap nilai raport siswa tunagrahita, meskipun nilai rapor ini memiliki makna mendalam bagi guru mereka. Metode penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi Edmund Husserl sebagai intensionalitas pada pengalaman subjek. Lokasi penelitian dipusatkan di SLB Tunas Harapan 1 Jombang sebagai salah satu SLB yang paling banyak diminati masyarakatnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat tiga makna nilai raport siswa tunagrahita bagi guru SLB tersebut. Yakni, makna tuntutan profesi guru, kemampuan intelektual siswa, dan manipulasi sosial.
Kata Kunci : Fenomenologi Rapor, Siswa Tunagrahita, Guru, Jombang
This study aims to understand the meaning of mentally retarded students' report cards. Mentally retarded students are students who experience intelectual ability below average, so they need special education. Special schools (SLB) are formal educational institutions specifically for mentally retarded students. The output of SLB is usually in the form of report cards. The report card value is a collection of student learning outcomes for one semester. Interestingly, this study shows a lack of parental participation in the report card scores of mentally retarded students, even though these report cards have deep meaning for their teachers. This research method is qualitative with Edmund Husserl's phenomenological approach as an intentionality in the subject's experience. The research location is centered in Tunas Harapan 1 Special School in Jombang as one of the most popular special schools in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that there are three meanings of the value of the mentally retarded students' report cards for the SLB teacher. Namely, the meaning of the demands of the teaching profession, students' intellectual abilities, and social manipulation.
Keyword : Phenomenology of Report Cards, Mentally Impaired Students, Teachers, Jombang