Key Words : Physical Activity, Far Infrared Radiations,
Cold Water Immersion, Lactic Acid, Bood Glucos.
Strenuous physical activity exposes
physical and mental stress to fatigue, the need for effective recovery such as Far Infrared Radiation (Fir) and Cold Water Immersion (Cwi) which
functions to reduce fatigue by reducing levels of lactic acid and restoring
blood glucose after physical activity. The aim of this study was to compare the
effect of Far Infrared Radiation (Fir)
to reduce lactic acid levels and restore lood glucose compared to the effect of
Cold Water Immersion (Cwi)after
physical activity.
The type of research used in this
research is quantitative, this research is a quasi-experimental research with the type of design experimental laboratories with pretest and
posttest control group design, the sample
in this study were students of The Coaching Education Study Program, Faculty of
Sports, State University of Surabaya who had met the criteria and the counting
of the sample size was determined to be 24 students. The sample was divided
into three groups including (2) Recovery using Far Infrared (2) Recovery using Cold
Water Immersion (3) Recovery using passive rest. Data collection techniques
using paired T test and Manova (Multivariate
of variance) by using α 0,05.
results of the research data analysis show that (1) there is a significant
influence between the effect of Far
Infrared Radiation (Fir) on lactic acid levels with the value of p=0,000
and on blood glucose with the value of p=0.001.(2) There is an effect of
restoring Cold Water Immersion (Cwi)
on lactic acid p=0.001 but there is no significat effect on blood glucose p=0,122.
(3) There is no significant defference in the recovery of Far Infrared Radiation (Fir) and Cold Water Immersion (Cwi) on lactic acid p=1,000 and lood glucose p=0,103.Thus
it can e concluded that Far Infrared
Radiation(Fir) is better at restoring levels of lactic acid and blood
glucose than Cold Water Immersion (Cwi),
there is no comparison between the effects of Far InfraredRadiation (Fir) and Cold
Water Immersion (Cwi) on reducing lactic acid, and lood glucose after
physical activity.