The Effect of the Addition of Skim Milk and Plain Yogurt on the Organoleptic Properties of Corn Juice Yoghurt
Yoghurt sari jagung adalah yoghurt dengan bahan dasar sari jagung manis dengan penambahan susu skim dan yoghurt plain. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara jumlah susu skim dan yoghurt plain terhadap sifat organoleptik (warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, dan kekentalan,) yoghurt sari jagung. Jenis penelitian eksperimen uji coba dengan 9 formula. Penelitian eksperimen dengan 2 variabel bebas yaitu penambahan susu skim (10 g, 20 g dan 30 g) dan yoghurt plain (20 g, 30 g, 40g), sedangkan variable terikat yaitu sifat organoleptik yoghurt sari jagung (100 gr) meliputi warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, dan kekentalan. Hasil analisis data secara deskriptif oleh 30 panelis terbatas, selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis anova ganda (two way anava). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: Penambahaan susu skim dan yoghurt plain berpengaruh terhadap warna,aroma, rasa dan kekentalan yoghurt sari jagung. Diperoleh produk terbaik, yaitu produk dengan sampel S1,Y3 dengan penambahan susu skim 10% dan yoghurt plain 30% terhadap organoleptik sari jagung 100 g.
Corn extract yogurt is yogurt with the basic ingredients of sweet corn essence with the addition of skim milk and plain yogurt. The research objective was to determine the effect of the amount of skim milk and plain yogurt on the organoleptic properties (color, aroma, taste, texture, and viscosity) of corn extracted yoghurt. This type of experimental research was tested with 9 formulas. Experimental research with 2 independent variables, namely the addition of skim milk (10 g, 20 g and 30 g) and plain yogurt (20 g, 30 g, 40 g), while the dependent variable was the organoleptic properties of corn extract yogurt (100 gr) including color, aroma, taste, texture, and thickness. The results of descriptive data analysis by 30 limited panelists, then analyzed using multiple ANOVA analysis (two way ANOVA). The results showed that: The addition of skim milk and yoghurt had an effect on the color, taste, and viscosity of corn juice yogurt. The best products were obtained, namely products with samples S1, Y3 with the addition of 10% skim milk and 30% plain yogurt to 100 g organoleptic corn extract.