Physical training is an important part of preparing to play
football at any level, but organizing a truly effective training program
requires an understanding of the underlying physiological principles and
practical knowledge of the demands of the game. Physical conditions and basic
soccer techniques can basically be maximized through regular and
well-programmed training. With the support of football coaches and coaches who
have Baik knowledge and understanding, it will have a Baik impact. The purpose
of this study was to determine the physical condition of the athletes of KU-15
SSB PSDM Blitar Regency. From the problems formulated, this type of research belongs
to the type of quantitative research with a descriptive approach. Quantitative
methods are called traditional methods, because this method has been used for a
long time so that it has become a tradition as a method for research. In the
endurance test, from 20 athletes it was found that the "Baik"
category was 7 athletes, the "Cukup" category was 9 athletes, the
"Kurang" category was 2, and the "Kurang Sekali" category
was 2. In the agility test, from 20 athletes it was known that in the
"Baik Sekali" category on the right hand as many as 20 athletes. In
the leg muscle explosive power test, from 20 athletes it was found that there
were 6 athletes in the "Baik" category, 10 athletes in the
"Cukup" category, and 4 athletes in the "Kurang" category.
In the speed test, from 20 athletes it was found that there were 3 athletes in
the “Cukup” category, and 17 athletes in the “Kurang” category. In the
flexibility test, from 20 athletes it was known that there were 11 athletes in
the "Baik Sekali" category, 7 in the "Baik" category and 2
in the "Cukup" category. In the arm muscle strength test, from 20
athletes it can be seen that the "Kurang" category is 10 athletes,
and the "Kurang Sekali" category is 10 athletes. In the abdominal
muscle strength test, from 20 athletes it can be seen that there are 3 athletes
in the "Baik Sekali" category, 5 athletes in the "Baik"
category, 9 athletes in the "Cukup" category, and 3 athletes in the
"Kurang" category.
Keywords: Physical condition, Football