Penegakan Hukum Peraturan Daerah Kota Surabaya Nomor 7 Tahun 1999 Terhadap Lokalisasi Ban Sepur Wonokromo
Law Enforcement of Surabaya Regional Regulation Number 7 Year 1999 Against Ban Sepur Wonokromo Localization
Surabaya has Regional Regulation Number 7 of 1999 which regulates the prohibition of using buildings to commit immoral acts and enticements to commit immoral acts. Article 2 letter b of Perda No.7/1999 clearly states that every person in the city of Surabaya is prohibited from engaging in indulgence to commit immoral acts. The regional regulation is a reference for the Surabaya City Government to tackle the practices of prostitution in Surabaya. One of the places that are often used as a practice of prostitution in Surabaya is the land east of Wonokromo Station. Prostitution must be tacled because it has a bad impact on the environment and is notunder religious values. Prostitution is also a hotbed for the spread of The Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This study aims to determine the law enforcement of Perda No.7/1999 as well as the obstacles that occur in the law enforcement againts prostitutes in the Wonokromo tire localization. This research is a sociological judicial research. The research location was conducted at the Satpol PP Surabaya City. The informants in this study were the Head of the Surabaya City Satpol PP and Former Commercial Sex Workers. By conducting interviews, documentation, and observation then analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results showed that law enforcement againts prostitutes at Ban Sepur Wonokromo who was caught by the Surabaya Satpol PP was carried out by the provisions of Perda No.7/1999 conducting patrols in areas prone to being used as a place of prostitution, and the threat of sanctions in Perda No.7/1999 which are classified as tapering does not have a deterrent effect on caught sex workers.In 2018, there was one enforcement activity with the result that five Commercial Sex Workers were netted. In 2019, there were three rounds of curbing and recruiting thirty five commercial sex workers. Barriers to law enforcement include the minimal number of personnel to supervise and carry out patrols in every area in the city of Surabayawhich has the potential to be used as a place for prostitution practice andthe threat of sanctions is law and information leakage of raids conducted by Satpol PP.