Nutritional Content and Sensory Test 0f Dried Noodles
with The Substitution of Tempeh Flour and The Addition of Moringa Leaf Puree to Address Iron Deficiency Anemia
Anemia gizi besi merupakan anemia yang disebabkan karena kekurangan zat besi. Konsumsi makanan yang memiliki kandungan zat besi dan protein tinggi diperlukan untuk membantu mengatasi dan mencegah anemia gizi besi. Mie merupakan makanan pokok berbahan utama tepung terigu. Pada penelitian ini modifikasi mie kering disubtitusi tepung tempe dengan penambahan puree daun kelor. Tujuan penelitian adalah 1) menganalisa pengaruh subtitusi tepung tempe dengan penambahan puree daun kelor pada mie kering mentah terhadap mutu sensori (warna dan aroma), 2) menganalisa pengaruh subtitusi tepung tempe dengan penambahan puree daun kelor pada mie kering yang sudah direbus terhadap mutu sensori (warna, aroma, rasa, dan tekstur), 3) menganalisa kandungan zat besi dan protein mie kering subtitusi tepung tempe dengan penambahan puree daun kelor.
Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan eksperimental murni dengan desain faktorial 2 x 2 yaitu 4 sampel perlakuan mie kering modifikasi. Faktor X merupakan proporsi subtitusi tepung tempe yaitu 5% dan 10%, sedangkan faktor Y merupakan proporsi penambahan puree daun kelor yaitu 5 gram dan 10 gram. Teknik pengambilan data pada uji sensori dilakukan pada 5 panelis terlatih dan 25 panelis semi terlatih. Data hasi uji sensori dianalisa menggunakan uji Friedman, bila data memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan maka dilanjutkan uji Wilcoxon. Pengujian kadar zat besi dengan metode Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Metode Kjeldahl untuk menguji kadar protein pada mie kering subtitusi tepung tempe dengan penambahan puree daun kelor. Penentuan produk terbaik menggunakan metode uji efektivitas De Garmo.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan (p<0,05) subtitusi tepung tempe dengan penambahan puree daun kelor pada tingkat kesukaan warna dan aroma mie kering mentah. Pada mie kering rebus subtitusi tepung tepung tempe dengan penambahan puree daun kelor berpengaruh signifikan (p<0,05) terhadap tingkat kesukaan rasa, aroma, dan tekstur, namun tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan (p>0,05) pada warna. Produk terbaik mie kering yaitu mie kering subtitusi tepung tempe 5% penambahan puree daun kelor 5 g. Hasil uji kadar zat besi 4 perlakuan modifikasi mie kering subtitusi tepung tempe penambahan puree daun kelor per 100 g mengandung 8,62 mg - 8,95 mg, sedangkan untuk kadar protein sebesar 18,8 g - 21,7 g.
Kata kunci :
Anemia gizi besi, zat besi, protein, mie kering, puree daun kelor, tepung tempe.
Iron deficiency anemia is caused by iron deficiency. Consuming foods high in iron and protein is needed to address and prevent iron deficiency anemia. Noodles are a staple food made from wheat flour. In this study, the modification of dried noodles used tempeh flour with the addition of Moringa leaf puree. This study aims to 1) identify the effect of substitution of tempeh flour with the addition of moringa leaf puree to raw dry noodles on sensory quality (color and aroma), 2) identify the effect of substitution of tempeh flour with the addition of moringa leaf puree to boiled dried noodles on sensory quality (color, aroma, taste, and texture), and 3) identify iron and protein content in dry noodles substitution of tempeh flour with the addition of Moringa leaf puree.
This study used a pure experimental design with a 2 x 2 factorial design, namely 4 samples of modified dry noodle treatment. Factor X was the proportion of tempeh flour substitution, namely 5% and 10%, while factor Y is the proportion of moringa leaf puree, namely 5 grams and 10 grams. Data were collected using the sensory test which was carried out on 5 trained panelists and 25 semi-trained panelists. Data were then analyzed using Friedman's statistical test and if the data showed a significant difference then it was continued with the Wilcoxon test. The iron level was tested using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer method. The protein level was tested using the Kjeldahl method. Determing the best product using of De Garmo Efectiveness test method.
The results showed a significant effect (p<0.05) of tempeh flour substitution with the addition of moringa leaf puree on the level of preference for color and aroma of raw dried noodles. The substitution of tempeh flour with the addition of moringa leaf puree in boiled dried noodles showed a significant effect (p<0.05) on the level of preference for taste, aroma, and texture, but no significant effect (p>0.05) on color. The best product is dried noodle with the subtitution of 5%tempeh flour and the addition of 5 g moringa leaf puree. The result of the iron content test 4 treatment modification of 100 g dried noodles with the subtitusion of tempe flour and the addition of moringe leaf puree is 8.62 mg - 8,95 mg, while the protein content is 18,8 g - 21,7 g.
Keywords :
Iron deficiency anemia, Iron, protein, Dry Noodles, moringa leaf puree, tempeh flour.