Dalam pembelajaran renang di sekolah SMP Al-Falah Surabaya banyak siswa yang kesulitan ketika pembelajaran renang, terutama dalam belajar renang gaya bebas (crawl). Sehingga banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi mereka kesulitan dalam belajar renang gaya bebas (crawl). Salah satunya adalah pemilihan metode pembelajaran. Karena dalam mengajarkan renang disekolah diperlukan metode yang tepat agar memudahkan siswa dalam memahami dan mempraktikkan gaya dalam berenang. Metode yang digunakan harus disesuaikan dengan sarana dan prasarana yang dimiliki, selain itu juga pemilihan metode juga disesuaikan dengan karakteristik kelas. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan adalah metode part and whole.
Dari permasalahan tersebut dapat di rumuskan, rumusan masalah: 1) pengaruh metode part and whole terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas (crawl), 2) seberapa besar pengaruh metode part and whole terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu dengan desain one group Pretest-Posttest desaign. Penelitian ini dilakukan di sekolah SMP Al-Falah Surabaya dengan jumlah sampel 24 siswi kelas VII.
Dari penelitian dan analisis data dapat disimpulkan jika adanya pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas (crawl) dari metode pembelajaran part and whole. Dengan adanya pengaruh tersebut maka terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar renang gaya bebas (crawl) siswi kelas VII, peningkatnya adalah sebesar 78.09%.
Kata kunci: hasil belajar, renang gaya bebas (crawl), part and whole,
In swimming learning at the Middle School of Al-Falah Surabaya, most of the students had difficulties, especially in freestyle swimming (crawl). Lots of factors affect students’ difficulty in learning freestyle swimming (crawl). One of the factors was the selection of learning methods. Therefore, teaching swimming at the school needs appropriate methods to make the students easier to understand and practice the style of swimming. The method used must be adjusted to the facilities and infrastructure that are owned. Besides, the selection of methods is also adjusted to the characteristics of the class. One method that can be used is the part and the whole method.
Based on those research problems, this study formulated two purposes to find out: 1) the effect of the parts and whole methods towards the results of freestyle learning (crawl), 2) the great effect of the parts and whole methods towards the results of freestyle learning. This type of study used a quasi-experiment with one group of Pretest-Posttest design. Moreover, This study was conducted at the Middle School of Al-Falah Surabaya, with 24students in VII class as a sample.
The result of this study can be concluded that there was an influence on the learning outcomes of freestyle swimming (crawl) with the method of learning part and whole. Additionally, there was an increase in the learning outcomes of freestyle swimming (crawl) of grade VII students, about 78.09%.
Keywords: learning outcomes, freestyle swimming (crawl), part and whole,