Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan media permainan flash Doubutsupe untuk pengenalan onomatope hewan dalam Nihon No Douyou. Berdasarkan data analisis angket kebutuhan siswa, 88% siswa tertarik belajar karya sastra Jepang, 96% siswa tertarik belajar dan mengenal onomatope hewan dalam bahasa Jepang, serta 100% siswa membutuhkan media pendukung dalam proses pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, peneliti mengembangkan media permainan flash Doubutsupe untuk mengenalkan siswa pada onomatope hewan dalam bahasa Jepang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan hasil pengembangan media permainan flash Doubutsupe, dan mendeskripsikan respon siswa terhadap media permainan flash Doubutsupe.
Pengembangan media ini menggunakan metode penelitian Research & Development (R&D) berdasarkan teori penelitian pengembangan Sugiyono (2015: 407). Penelitian ini hanya sampai pada tahap kesembilan yaitu revisi produk setelah uji coba pemakaian. Hal ini disesuaikan dengan tujuan dari penelitian yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya. Sementara untuk mengetahui kelayakan media dan respon siswa didasarkan pada skala Likert dalam Riduwan (2013: 23).
Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah hasil angket kebutuhan siswa, validasi kelayakan media (materi dan desain) dan hasil angket respon siswa. Data yang digunakan untuk menyusun materi yaitu dipilih 7 douyou secara acak yang liriknya terdapat onomatope hewan dan nama hewan. Hasil akhir penelitian pengembangan media flash Doubutsupe untuk pengenalan onomatope hewan dalam Nihon no Douyou dideskripsikan dibawah sebagai berikut:
1. Hasil validasi desain oleh ahli media untuk kelayakan media dinyatakan layak digunakan dengan sedikit revisi dengan nilai persentase 88% masuk dalam kriteria kelayakan sangat kuat.
2. Hasil validasi materi oleh ahli materi untuk kelayakan materi dinyatakan layak digunakan dengan sidikit revisi dengan nilai persentase 78% masuk dalam kriteria kelayakan kuat.
3. Hasil uji coba produk media melalui angket respon siswa terhadap pengembangan media permainan flash Doubutsupe untuk pengenalan onomatope hewan dalam Nihon no Douyou diperoleh nilai persentase sebesar 89% masuk dalam kriteria kelayakan sangat kuat.
Dari hasil penilaian validator maupun angket respon siswa, media permainan flash doubutsupe untuk pengenalan onomatope hewan dalam Nihon no Douyou dapat dikatakan layak digunakan sebagai media pengenalan onomatope hewan dalam lagu anak Jepang.
Kata Kunci: Pengembangan media, permainan flash Doubutsupe, onomatope hewan, douyou.
This research is research development of Doubutsupe flash game media for the introduction of animal onomatopoeia in Nihon No Douyou. Based on student needs questionnaire analysis data, 89% of students are interested learning of Japanese literary works, 96% of students are interested in learning and knowing animal onomatopoeia in Japanese, and 100% of students need supporting media in the learning process. Based on this, the researchers developed Doubutsupe flash game media to introduce students about animal onomatopoeia in Japanese. This study aims to describe the results of development Doubutsupe flash game media, and to describe students responses to Doubutsupe flash game media.
The development in this media uses the theory of development research methods or called research & development (R&D) of Sugiyono (2015: 407). This media development research is limited to the ninth stage, namely the second product revision stage. This is adjusted to the objectives of the research mentioned earlier. To find out what percentage of results from the feasibility of the media and the results of student responses are based on a Likert scale in Riduwan (2013: 23).
The data used in this study are the results of the questionnaire on student needs, validation of media feasibility (material and design) and the results of the student questionnaire responses. The data used to compile the material is randomly selected 7 douyou whose lyrics are onomatopoeia and animal names. The final results of research into the development of Doubutsupe flash game media for the introduction of animal onomatopoeia in Nihon No Douyou are described below:
1. The results of the design validation by the media experts for the feasibility of the media were declared suitable for use with a few revisions with a percentage value of 88% included in the very strong eligibility criteria.
2. The results of the material validation by the material expert for the feasibility of the material are declared to be suitable for use with a slight revision with a percentage value of 78% included in the strong eligibility criteria.
3. The results of testing media products through a questionnaire of student responses to the development of the Doubutsupe flash game media for the introduction of animal onomatopoeia in Nihon No Douyou obtained a percentage value of 89% included in very strong criteria.
From the results of the assessment of both validators and student response questionnaire, Doubutsupe flash game media for the introduction of animal onomatopoeia in Nihon No Douyou can be said to be worthy as media for the introduction of animal onomatopoeia in Japanese children's songs.
Keywords: Media development, Doubutsupe flash game, animal onomatopoeia, douyou.