Administration is productive subjects in SMK 1 Jombang which consists of two
basic competence ie, describe the administration of reception and distribution
facilities and infrastructure, as well as storage reporting and maintenance of
facilities and infrastructure. To support the learning activity, then textbook
can be used as teaching materials adapted to the curriculum syllabus in 2013.
Researchi aims to determine the development of textbooks before and after
development, analyzing the feasibility of textbooks and class XII students
analyze the response APK 3 to textbooks on the subjects of Administrative
Infrastructures odd semester at SMK 1 Jombang has been developed
This research is a development with 4D development
model, ie define (definition), Design (Design), Develop (Development),
Disseminate (Deployment). Subjects in this study amounted to 20 students of
class XII APK 3 SMK 1 Jombang. Textbooks validated by subject matter experts, linguists,
and experts graphics and analyze the response of students with limited testing.
Instrument validation sheet material, language, and the students responses
adapted from BSNP 2014 using a Likert scale ratings.
results of the overall assessment of expert validation feasibility gained an
average of textbooks by 87% with the eligibility criteria .It is feasible. Hasl
limited trial of the textbook developed feasibility gained an average of 95.5%
with the eligibility criteria is very decent. It can be concluded that the
textbooks administrative facilities and infrastructure odd semester class XII APK
in SMKN 1 Jombang which had been developed viable for use as teaching material.
Keywords: textbooks, facilities infrastructure