Analisis Motivasi Latihan Atlet Futsal Putri Bara Katong Ponorogo Selama Pandemi Covid-19.
Analysis of the Motivation of the Women's Futsal Athlete Bara Katong Ponorogo's Training During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Futsal adalah cabang olahraga yang termasuk dalam kategori permainan bola besar. Olahraga futsal menjadi salah satu cabang olahraga bola besar yang memiliki banyak penggemar di seluruh dunia setelah sepakbola. Teknik dasar bermain futsal merupakan salah satu keahlian dini yang wajib dimiliki oleh seseorang pemain futsal. Tidak hanya teknik dasar, para pemain futsal juga wajib memahami metode pola bermain menyerang serta bertahan, salah satunya dengan metode berlatih giat. Seluruh pemain futsal profesional ataupun amatir wajib mempunyai pemikiran ‘latihan ialah kebutuhan’ dengan begitu mereka bakal menjadi seseorang pemain profesional yang sesungguhnya. Akan tetapi pada tahun 2019 sampai saat ini seluruh dunia tengah dihadapkan dengan wabah penyakit covid -19. Sesudah itu selama kurang lebih 1 tahun kita dilarang melaksanakan kegiatan aktivitas yang memunculkan kontak raga dengan orang lain, apalagi sampai terdapat kebijakan kerja boleh dari rumah ataupun Work From Home (WFH) serta aktivitas pendidikan di sekolah juga turut mengikuti kebijakan ini. Tentunya kebijakan ini sangat berakibat pada aktivitas berolahraga yang pada saat itu berhenti total selama 1 tahun. Sepanjang itu orang- orang hanya dapat berolahraga di rumah lewat siaran di youtube ataupun media sosial. Disaat ini dunia berolahraga tengah bangkit kembali sesudah satu tahun lamanya berhenti. Serupa halnya di Ponorogo yang notabene masyarakatnya lebih dominan menggemari aktivitas kesenian dibanding aktivitas olahraga, wabah ini ternyata mempunyai akibat luar biasa terhadap berbagai bagian didalamnya. Dengan terdapatnya pandemi ini Club Futsal Bara Katong berinisiatif guna menciptakan program latihan dari rumah ataupun Training From Home (TFH) yang pernah berjalan cuma 6 bulan saja serta dikala ini telah dicoba secara offline yang pastinya tidak lepas dari ketentuan protokol kesehatan. Para atlet serta pelatih nyatanya mempunyai dilematis yang besar, dimana seseorang atlet senantiasa wajib melaksanakan program latihan yang diberikan oleh pelatih serta disisi lain mereka tidak dapat mobile kemanapun. Jenis metode dalam riset ini memakai metode analisis informasi deskriptif kuantitatif. Informasi yang diperoleh dari persentase jawaban sampel sebanyak 20 atlet futsal putri Bara Katong Ponorogo. Instrumen yang digunakan pada riset ini ialah dengan memakai angket mengenai motivasi latihan futsal pada masa pandemi covid- 19 lewat platform Google Form. Disimpulkan dari hasil riset ini bahwasannya tingkatan motivasi latihan atlet futsal putri Bara Katong Ponorogo yang diperoleh dari motivasi intrinsik serta ekstrinsik sebesar 81, 5%. Hasil tersebut didapat dari perolehan rata- rata motivasi intrinsik sebanyak 82, 8% motivasi ekstrinsik sebanyak 80, 2%. Bisa dilihat dari hasil riset ini aspek motivasi intrinsik mempunyai kedudukan yang lebih besar daripada motivasi ekstrinsik. Oleh sebab itu ditemukanlah hasil motivasi keseluruhan dengan total 81, 5% yang tercantum dalam golongan sangat tinggi.
Futsal is a sport that is included in the category of big ball games. Futsal is one of the major soccer sports that has many fans around the world after football. The basic technique of playing futsal is one of the early skills that must be possessed by a futsal player. Not only basic techniques, futsal players are also required to understand the method of attacking and defending playing patterns, one of which is by practicing hard. All professional or amateur futsal players must have the thought of 'practice is a necessity' so that they will become a real professional player. However, in 2019 until now the whole world is faced with an outbreak of the COVID-19 disease. After that for about 1 year we are prohibited from carrying out activities that cause physical contact with other people, especially until there is a policy of working from home or Work From Home (WFH) and educational activities in schools also follow this policy. Of course, this policy had a huge impact on sports activities, which at that time stopped completely for 1 year. During that time, people can only exercise at home through broadcasts on YouTube or social media. At this time the world of sports is getting back on its feet after a year of hiatus. Similar to the case in Ponorogo, where in fact the people are more dominant in enjoying artistic activities than sports activities, this epidemic has had a tremendous impact on various parts of it. With this pandemic, the Bara Katong Futsal Club took the initiative to create an exercise program from home or Training From Home (TFH) which had been running for only 6 months and is currently being tested offline, which of course cannot be separated from the provisions of the health protocol. Athletes and coaches actually have a big dilemma, where an athlete is always required to carry out the training program provided by the coach and on the other hand they cannot be mobile anywhere. This type of research method uses descriptive quantitative information analysis method. Information obtained from the percentage of sample answers as many as 20 female futsal athletes, Bara Katong Ponorogo. The instrument used in this research is to use a questionnaire about the motivation for futsal training during the COVID-19 pandemic via the Google Form platform. It was concluded from the results of this research that the level of motivation for the female futsal athlete Bara Katong Ponorogo's training obtained from intrinsic and extrinsic motivation was 81.5%. These results are obtained from the acquisition of an average intrinsic motivation of 82.8% extrinsic motivation of 80.2%. It can be seen from the results of this research that the intrinsic motivation aspect has a greater position than extrinsic motivation. Therefore, the overall motivation results were found with a total of 81.5% listed in the very high category.