Remediation of Misconceptions Using The LKPD Guided Inquiry Learning Model Assisted by PhET Simulation On The Dynamic Fluid Material
Pada mata pelajaran fisika masih sering ditemui adanya miskonsepsi, seperti pada materi fluida dinamis. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan penurunan miskonsepsi peserta didik pada materi fluida dinamis setelah dilakukan remediasi miskonsepsi menggunakan LKPD model guided inquiry learning berbantuan PhET simulation pada materi fluida dinamis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pre-experimental dengan desain one-group pretest-posttest. Teknik pengumpulan data pemahaman konsep peserta didik menggunakan pretest dan posttest berupa tes diagnostik empat tingkat. Teknik analisis menggunakan uji Wilcoxon dan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil pada penelitian ini yaitu peserta didik mengalami penurunan miskonsepsi, ditunjukkan dengan adanya peningkatan pemahaman konsep secara signifikan setelah diberikan remediasi, serta ketiga kelas mengalami peningkatan pemahaman atau penurunan miskonsepsi yang tidak berbeda. Sehingga, remediasi miskonsepsi menggunakan LKPD model guided inquiry learning berbantuan PhET simulation dapat menurunkan miskonsepsi peserta didik pada materi fluida dinamis, ditandai dengan adanya peningkatan pemahaman konsep secara signifikan.
Kata Kunci: Fluida Dinamis; LKPD Guided Inquiry Learning; Miskonsepsi; PhET Simulation; Remediasi
Misconceptions, such as in dynamic fluid material, are often encountered in physics subjects. This study aims to describe the reduction of students' misconceptions on dynamic fluid material after remediation of misconceptions using guided inquiry learning LKPD model assisted by PhET simulation on dynamic fluid material. This study is a pre-experimental study with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The technique of collecting data on students' conceptual understanding used a pretest and posttest in the form of a four-level diagnostic test. The analysis technique used the Wilcoxon test and the Mann-Whitney test. This study showed that students experienced a decrease in misconceptions, indicated by a significant increase in concept understanding after being given remediation. The three classes experienced an increased understanding or a decrease in misconceptions that were not different. Thus, the remediation of misconceptions using the guided inquiry learning LKPD model assisted by PhET simulation can reduce students' misconceptions on dynamic fluid material, marked by a significant increase in conceptual understanding.
Keywords: Dynamic Fluid; LKPD Guided Inquiry Learning; Misconceptions; PhET Simulation; Remediation