Pengaruh Pemberian Sirup Umbi Yakon Terhadap Kadar Kalsium Tulang Femur Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus)
The Effect Of Yacon Tubers Syrup On Calcium Content Of Femoral Bone In White Rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui: 1) pengaruh suplementasi sirup umbi yakon terhadap kadar kalsium tulang tikus 2) korelasi jumlah total asam lemak rantai pendek (ALRP) terhadap kadar kalsium tulang tikus. Hewan coba yang digunakan adalah 36 ekor Rattus norvegicus, terbagi 3 kelompok perlakuan suplemen: 1) perlakuan air, 2) sirup umbi yakon, 3) FOS komersial. Perlakuan selama 48 hari, tulang femur digunakan sebagai sampel yang dianalisis kadar kalsium dengan metode destruksi. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah HPLC untuk uji kadar ALRP, GC uji kadar FOS, dan AAS uji kadar kalsium.. Analisis data melalui uji Anova satu jalur (α=0,05), Post Hoc LSD, dan korelasi product moment (α=0,05). Hasil analisis menunjukkan 1) Kenaikan hasil rata-rata kadar kalsium dari kelompok K(-) terhadap P1 sebesar 1,211 mg/mL dan uji statistik post hoc antara kelompok K(-) dan P1 (p>0,05) menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan secara signifikan suplementasi sirup umbi yakon terhadap kadar kalsium tulang tikus. 2) Analisis korelasi menunjukkan hasil koefisien korelasi sebesar r = 0,394 sehingga terdapat hubungan yang rendah antara jumlah total ALRP dengan kadar kalsium pada tulang femur hewan coba.
Kata Kunci: umbi yakon, FOS, kalsium, absorpsi.
The research objectives were to determine: 1) the effect of yacon tuber syrup supplementation on on rat bone calcium levels 2) the correlation of the total amount of short chain fatty acids (ALRP) to the calcium levels of the femur. The experimental animal used was 36 Rattus norvegicus. Were divided into 3 groups of supplement treatment: 1) aquadest, 2) yacon tubers syrup, 3) commercial FOS. After 48 days of treatment, the femur bone was analyzed for calcium levels by the digestion method. The instruments used were HPLC to test ALRP levels, GC to test FOS levels, and AAS to test calcium levels. Data analysis was done through the One Way Anova test (α = 0.05), the Post Hoc LSD, and the product moment correlation. The results of the analysis showed 1) The increase in average calcium levels from the K(-) group to P1 was 1.211 mg/mL and the post hoc statistical test between the K(-) and P1 (p>0.05) groups showed no significant difference between yacon tuber syrup supplementation on calcium levels. mouse bones. 2) Correlation analysis shows the correlation coefficient of r = 0.394 so that there is a low relationship between the total amount of ALRP and calcium levels in the femur bones of experimental animals.
Keywords: Yacon, FOS, calsium, absorption