Purba, Damoyanto. 2021. Effect of P roblem B ased L earning on C ritical T hinking A bility, P roblem S olving S kills and M etacognitive S kills i n t erms o f l evel S elf- E fficacy in P o liteknik Pelayaran Surabaya Cadets. Dessertation , Doctoral Program on Educational Technology , Postgraduate State University of Surabaya. Advisor: (I) Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd., dan (II) Dr. Mifakhul Jannah,S.Psi., M.Si.
Keywords: problem based
learning, critical thinking, problem solving skill, metacognitive skill, dan self-efficacy.
The Problem based learning model is researched to improve the quality subjects on Collision Prevention Regulations on Sea and Watchkeeping Navigation course, curriculum improvement and as outcomes long term of cadets at the P ol iteknik Pelayaran Surabaya and in the future they who are ready to use in the world of work after being elaborated in looking for the effect and differences of each relationship with one another.
This study aims to (1) examine the
effect of critical thinking among cadets who follow problem-based learning
models, problem solving skills, and metacognitive skills with conventional
learning, (2) examine the effects of critical thinking, problem solving skills,
and metacognitive skills among cadets who have self-efficacy high and low
levels of self, (3) examine the interaction of problem-based learning models
and self-efficacy on critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, and
metacognitive skills..
This research was conducted at the
training class three sertificate majoring in nautica, followed by 2 control
classes and 4 experimental classes totaling 144 cadets using a 2x2 factorial
design with a significance level of 5%. The instrument used to collect data was
in the form of test results on the level of influence on critical thinking
variables, problem solving skills, metacognitive skills and self-efficacy. Data
were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential ANAVA analysis.
The results of this
study conclude (1) There is a significant effect of critical thinking between
cadets who follow the problem-based learning model, problem solving skills, and
metacognitive skills with conventional learning, (2) There is no significant
effect in critical thinking, problem solving skills, and metacognitive skills
between cadets who have high and low self-efficacy, (3) There is no significant
interaction between problem-based learning and self-efficacy models on the
ability of critical thinking, problem solving skills, and metacognitive skills
of cadets