Konsepsi merupakan pemahaman seseorang terhadap sesuatu yang diamatinya. Materi sel rawan miskonsepsi karena materi tersebut tidak dapat diindera dan banyak subkonsep yang perlu dipahami. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan profil konsepsi siswa SMA pada materi sel di kabupaten Tuban dengan metode Three-Tier Test, penyebab perbedaan konsepsi siswa SMA pada materi sel di kabupaten Tuban, dan mendeskripsikan perbedaan profil konsepsi siswa berdasarkan wilayah sekolah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-kuantitatif menggunakan instrumen Three-Tier Test terdiri atas tiga tier. Pengambilan data dilaksanakan online melalui google form dan wawancara melalui google meet sebagai upaya pembatasan sosial pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Sasaran penelitian ini adalah 60 siswa SMA kelas XI di kabupaten Tuban. Hasil penelitian didapatkan profil konsepsi siswa SMA pada materi sel di kabupaten Tuban menguasai konsep 53,21%, tidak menguasai konsep 14,01% dan miskonsepsi 32,78%. Sekolah yang tidak menguasai konsep tertinggi adalah SMAN 1 Bancar sebesar 31,30% dan miskonsepsi tertinggi adalah SMAN 3 Tuban sebesar 36,48%. Siswa mengalami miskonsepsi tertinggi pada konsep endositosis yaitu sebesar 63,33%. Penyebab siswa mengalami miskonsepsi yaitu siswa itu sendiri, LKS, dan penjelasan guru.
Kata Kunci: Profil konsepsi, Sel, Three-Tier Test
Conception is a person's understanding of something being observed. Cell material is prone to misconceptions owing to the fact that the material is unable to be sensed, moreover there are many sub-concepts that need to be fully apprehended. This research aims to describe the high school students conception profile on the cell material in Tuban Regency using the Three-Tier Test method, to describe the differences in the conception of high school students on cell material in Tuban Regency, and to describe the differences in the conception profile of students by school area. This is a descriptive-quantitative research using Three-Tier Test instrument. Data collection was carried out online via google form and interviews via google meet. 60 high school students of class XI in Tuban Regency were involved as the target of the research. The results showed that the conception profile of high school students on cell material in Tuban Regency mastered the concept of 53.21%, did not master the concept of 14.01% and misconceptions 32.78%. The highest of school that did not mastering concept was High School 1 Bancar at 31.30% and the highest misconception was High School 3 Tuban at 36.48%. Students experienced the highest misconception on the endocytosis concept, which was 63.33%. The cause of misconceptions is from student itself, worksheet book, and the teacher’s explanation.
Keywords: Conception Profile, Cell, Three-Tier Test