The leader is someone who has the sensivity and responsiveness that
can influence his followers to undersand the decision that have been made. For
the sustainability of an organization, is certainly requires a leader as a
regulator of the course of all businesses or activities tht exist within the
government and private organizations so that the goals that have been
determined will be achieved.
The approach used in this research is to use qualitative
descriptive methods.the focus of the role of the leader in this study uses
Pasolong theory, namely the role of decision making, the role of influence, the
role of motivating, interpersonal roles and inforrmational roles. This research
was conducted on the role of the leader of the social Walfare Administration
Bureau in resolving Remuneration Issues at the Regional Secretariat Office of
the Government of East Java Province. Data collection techniques in this study
are using interview, observation, and documentation techniques as well as data
analysis techniques in this study, namely data collection, data reduction, data
presentation and data verification or drawing conclusions so that the data collected
is valid to enough for the final project material.
The results of this study describe that the role of leaders in the
social Affairs Bureau in the Est Java
Provincial secretary office applies five roles in resolving remuneration
problems in the social Walfare Administration Bureau in resolving Remuneration
Issues at the Regional Secretariat Office of the Government of East Java
Province, namely the role of decision making, the role of influence, the role
of motivating, interpersonal roles and inforrmational roles the role of
decision making the leader takes decisions made by giving tasks and function in
accordance with the part of each employee. The role of influencing the leader
is done by giving examples of how to work well and correctly without delaying
work. The role of motivating the leader by giving Closules or points when
employees can complete other tasks given by the leader in addition to the
duties and function of each section. Interpersonal roles place themselves as
guides, empoweres, and drivers. The leaders informational center for employees
both out and into the organization that will be conveyed to all his employees.
Keywords : The Role of the Leader, Remuneration
Issues, Kantor Sekretariat Daerah Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur