Yafi, Muhammad Fahmi. 2023.
Development of a Scientific-Based Islamic Banking Accounting Textbook in the
Subject of Islamic Banking Accounting Class XI Semester 1 Islamic Banking
Competence in Vocational High Schools. Thesis, Master of Economic Education Study
Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Surabaya State University.
Supervisors: (Dr. Luqman Hakim, S.Pd., M.SA. and (2) Prof. Dr. Hariyati, Ak.
M.Sc., CA.
This study aims to produce
learning media development products in the form of scientific-based textbooks
which will be tested for feasibility, practicality, effectiveness, and
responses from students after using the media. This type of research is
Research and Development (R&D) using the 4-D model where the media
developed by the researcher are tested in a limited manner on students of SMK
Negeri 1 Lamongan in class XI Banking 1 as the experimental class and class XI
Banking 2 as the control class.
The results of this study (1)
based on the validation of experts consisting of material experts, media and
design of learning media textbooks for Islamic banking accounting subjects were
stated to be very feasible, (2) based on the assessment of students of textbook
learning media on banking accounting subjects sharia is stated to be very
practical, (3) based on testing the effectiveness of textbook learning media in
Islamic banking accounting subjects, the result is that the media is effective
in increasing student learning outcomes where there is a significant difference
between the posttest experimental class and the control class, and (4) based on
reactions from students after using textbook learning media on Islamic banking
accounting subjects, they received very good responses.
Keywords: Learning Media; Textbooks; Sharia Banking