Assessment of the Implementation of the Community-Based Drinking
Water and Sanitation Program (PAMSIMAS) in Ngajen Hamlet,
Ngampal Village, Sumberrejo District, Bojonegoro Regency
Name : Ari Fitrianingsih
NIM : 21040674371
Program : S1 Public Administration
Department : Public Administration
Faculty : Social Sciences and Law
University : State University of Surabaya
Adviser/ Advisor : Dr. Suci Megawati, S.IP., M.Si
Presidential Regulation No. 185 of 2014 on the Acceleration of Drinking
Water and Sanitation Provision mandates the rapid implementation of the
PAMSIMAS program in various regions of Indonesia. One of the villages
that implemented the PAMSIMAS program in 2018 was Ngampal Village,
Sumberrejo District, Bojonegoro Regency. This study aims to describe the
evaluation of the PAMSIMAS program in Ngampal Village. This research
uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive research method. Data
collection techniques used in this study include in-depth interviews,
observations, and documentation. The research focuses on six policy
evaluation criteria by William N. Dunn: effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy,
equity, responsiveness, and accuracy. Data analysis techniques used follow
the theory of Miles and Huberman, which includes data collection, data
reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the
evaluation of the Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation
Provision (PAMSIMAS) program in Ngajen Hamlet, Ngampal Village,
Bojonegoro Regency conclude that its implementation complies with the
applicable regulations and guidelines. Evaluation using William N. Dunn's
indicators revealed several findings. Although the PAMSIMAS program is
effective in meeting the community's clean water needs, it has not yet
effectively reached its targets. Program efficiency is not optimal because
some beneficiaries still delay payment for services. Adequacy of clean water
is met despite challenges in the distant location of water tanks. The
program's equity has not been achieved as it has only been implemented in
Ngajen Hamlet. Responsiveness is good, although some beneficiaries have
not made payments. Overall, the PAMSIMAS program in Ngajen Hamlet
can be considered appropriate and functioning well due to its extreme need
for access to clean water. The author recommends actions to improve the
effectiveness of the PAMSIMAS program in Ngajen Hamlet, Ngampal
Village, including the proper implementation of adequacy, equity, and
responsiveness indicators. Efficiency can be improved by encouraging
program beneficiaries to make timely payments. The solution to the issue
of distant water tanks is to increase their number and expand the program
to ensure equitable benefits. Responsiveness can be enhanced through further socialization by the Village Government.
Keywords: Evaluation, Clean Water, PAMSIMAS