Industri online games telah menjadi salah satu industri yang paling menguntungkan di dunia. Persaingan yang terjadi pada industri ini tidak hanya pada online game itu sendiri, tetapi juga terjadi pada platform yang digunakan. Seiring perkembangan teknologi, smartphone menjadi salah satu platform online games yang paling diminati, meninggalkan pendahulunya, yaitu personal computer. Berdasarkan fakta tersebut, terdapat indikasi adanya perpindahan pengguna personal computer ke smartphone. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari model faktor push-pull-mooring terhadap customer value migration yang terjadi pada perpindahan penggunaan media personal computer kepada smartphone sebagai media bermain online games.
Penelitian ini menggunakan model push-pull-mooring dengan pendekatan melalui customer switching behaviour untuk mengukur seberapa besar nilai customer value migration yang terjadi pada responden. Penelitian disebar secara online kepada 154 responden. Penelitian diolah dengan menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan IBM SPSS Statistics 25.
Berdasarkan hasil yang didapat, diketahui bahwa faktor pull (alternative attravtiveness) menjadi faktor yang memiliki pengaruh yang paling besar, sedangkan faktor mooring (switching cost, low trust, low security and privacy) tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap customer value migration. hal tersebut menunjukan bahwa media smartphone memiliki ketertarikan tersendiri dalam persepsi konsumen. Perkembangan teknologi dan kecakapan teknologi dari konsumen membuat faktor mooring tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan.
Kata Kunci : Push factors, pull factors, mooring factors, customer value migration, online games, online gaming platform
Online game industry has become one of the most profitable industry in the world. The competition is not only happens between games, but also in the platform used for playing the games. The development of technology has made smartphone one of the biggest online gaming platform used, leaving behind personal computer which was the most popular gaming platform used. The rapid development of mobile gaming indicate a migration from the older platform, personal computer, to the smartphone as an online gaming platform. The aim of this study is to find the effects of push-pull-mooring model to customer value migration that cause migration from personal computer to smartphone as an online gaming platform using customer switching behaviour as an approach to measure the customer value migration.
The push-pull-mooring model with customer switching behaviour approach is used to see the factors which affect the customer value migration from personal computer to smartphone as an online gaming platform. The data to test the hypotheses come from an online survey of 154 online games player. This study use linier regression method to process the data.
The study result that pull factor (alternative attravtiveness) has the biggest impact on customer value migration, in the other hand, mooring factors (switching cost, low trust, low security and privacy) have an insignificant effect on customer value migration. the results show that smartphone has a unique feature that the customer see, improving the value better than personal computer as an online gaming platform. The rapid development of technology and the proficiency of the customer in technology has made the mooring factors have an insignificant effect.
Key words : Push factors, pull factors, mooring factors, customer value migration, online games, online gaming platform