Wiratmoko, Condro. 2021. The Development of Thematic Batik Motif Design Tutorial Book Using Design Software to Improve Student’s Creativity in Senior High School , Postgraduate, Surabaya State University. Advisors: (1) Dr. Djuli Djatiprambudi, M.Sn., and (II) Dr. I Nyoman Lodra, M.Si.
Keywords: development research, tutorial books, learning arts and culture, thematic batik motifs
Cultural arts is one of the compulsory subjects in Senior H igh S chool, one of the goals is to express creative ideas, so that innovation through the development of learning resources is needed to provide solutions to learning problems with high school students as generation Z. The result of this research was a product of tutorial book development to design thematic batik motifs using Corel Draw and Photoshop design software. This research purpose was to answer the problem formulation including; (1) The process of developing tutorial books, (2) The quality of tutorial book development, in terms of the validity of the content, language, design and feasibility of its application, (3) The results of applying tutorial books in the learning process, in terms of student responses and the level of achievement in their application. The benefits of this research were to contribute to the concept of learning arts and culture in high school through the application of tutorial book product development.
This study used a development model in research that refered to the Four-D Model suggested by Thiagarajan which consists of 4 development stages, namely Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The research data was analyzed using descriptive analysis. Product quality was assessed based on the input of the final results of validation from the validator of the feasibility of graphics and the feasibility of content and correlation of art material (batik). This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 2 Surabaya, with the research subjects of the eleven grade students. The research trial subjects taken for the sake of testing were 229 students, consisting of 6 classes, namely Class XI IPA 3 to XI IPA 8 with 32 students in each class and 1 social studies class with 37 students. The time of research was conducted from August 2019 to June 2020.
The process in developing tutorial book products was based on 4 stages in the Four-D development research model. First, defining stage which was based on the needs analysis to formulate product concepts and objectives. The second stage was designing that was done based on the concept of designing product development. Third, developing stage was based on the results of the assessment and feasibility of the tutorial book by the validator continued in the trial phase. The Disseminate stage was done based on the process of disseminating a product development and its impact widely. Based on the assessment of the quality of the tutorial book development research book by the validator, it was stated that it was very feasible to continue at the testing stage. In the results of trials in the learning of cultural arts, students were able to make batik motif work according to the material in the tutorial book. This gave an impact on increasing students' creativity and effectiveness in learning cultural arts based on procedural indicators of learning concepts offered from tutorial books. Students were able to explore themes based on their own sources of inspiration which were manifested in the visualization of batik motif designs such as transportation, culinary, environment, activities and so on. Therefore, from the results of its application, this tutorial book product can be a solution to the ineffectiveness of practical learning on batik material in learning cultural arts in high school.
Based on the result, it showed that the product of this research is able to contribute the learning concept through the development of tutorial book products as a new learning resource in learning Cultural Arts in Senior High School. The application of the product in this study requires a laptop or computer device that matches the specifications. Therefore it is difficult to implement in schools that do not have these devices