cooperative learning model is a cooperative learning model that is used as an
educational tool to motivate students in improving learning outcomes. The
purpose of this article is to decrypt the effectiveness of jigsaw cooperative
learning models in productive subjects of fashion skills programs which
include: 1) Problems that background the implementation of cooperative learning
models of jigsaw; 2) Implementation of cooperative jigsaw learning model; 3)
Barriers in the application of cooperative learning models of jigsaws; 4)
Success achieved in the implementation of jigsaw learning models. The method
used is the study of literature by reviewing the results of the implementation
of jigsaw cooperative learning models in productive subjects of fashion skills
programs using Google and Google Scholar databases, and using the keyword
"implementation of cooperative learning models of smk fashion jigsaw"
in the period 2012-2020. There are 10 relevant articles that are eligible to be
used as inclusion criteria in the creation of literature articles. The results
of this article are as follows: 1) The problem behind the implementation of the
cooperative learning model jigsaw is that the inaccuracy of teachers choosing
learning models so that students are less active, less motivated, and less
participated in doing tasks as a result, learning becomes less effective; 2)
The application of cooperative learning model jigsaw can be applied to class X
and XI materials teaching fashion patterns, fashion design, textiles, sewing
techniques, and batik. The application refers to the syntak model of
cooperative learning jigsaw with several variations. Learning media that are
able to accompany among others; hand outs, job sheets, videos, LKS, and
fragments; 3) Barriers when applying cooperative learning models jigsaw namely,
time constraints, lack of cooperation between students, and less confident
students; 4) Successful implementation of cooperative learning model jigsaw can
develop attitudes / affective students among others; respect, cooperation,
responsibility, discipline, honesty and confidence. Improved
knowledge/cognitive and skills/psychomotor according to teaching material
Keywords: model learning, jigsaw, learning results,