The background of this research is
about the high cases of unemployment in people of productive age ini Sidoarjo.
The Central Statistics Agency noted that the open unemployment rate in Sidoarjo
regency in 2021 reached 10,97 percent of the total workforce. This problem was
followed up by UPTD SPNF SKB Sidoarjo by implementing participatory learning
strategies in the Barbershop Entrepreneurial Skills Education program to foster
the entrepreneurial spirit of the community so that they can become barbershop
entrepreneurs independently so that they can prosper the economy of their
families. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze data: a)
participatory learning strategies in the Barbershop Entrepreneurial Skills
Education program, b) The growth of the entrepreneurial spirit of the community
through the Barbershop Entrepreneurial Skills Education program, c) Supporting
factors for implementing learning strategies participatory in fostering the
entrepreneurial spirit of the community through the Barbershop Entrepreneurial
Skills education program, d) the inhibiting factors for the implementation of
participatory learning strategies in fostering the entrepreneurial spirit of
the community through the Barbershop Entrepreneurial Skills Education program.
The study uses a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques
used in the form of observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation.
Analysis of the data using the Miles and Huberman analysis model, which is an
interactive analysis model. The analysis steps include data reduction, data
presentation, and drawing conclusions. The validity of the data uses
credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transferability. The results of
the study explain that participatory learning strategies in fostering the
entrepreneurial spirit of the community through the Barbershop Entrepreneurial
Skills Educatin program at UPTD SPNF SKB Sidoarjo include: 1) planning stage
which includes identification of community learning needs, recruitment of
instructors and trainers who are competent in the barbershop field, and
recruitment of prospective participants for the Barbershop ebtrepreneurial
Skills Education program, 2) the implementation stage of the involvement of
training participants in creating a conductive climate for learning,
involvement between training participants instructors and trainers so as to
create open, friendly, directed, mutual respect and human relations help each
other in learning, 3) evaluation stage, process assessment and result
assessment are carried out. Process assessment is in the form of monitoring
during the learning process, result assessment is in the form of theoretical
and practical exams. From the three stages of participatory learning, it will
affect the output of participants in the form of entrepreneurial attitudes, the
the outcome of participants after participating in the Barbershop
Entrepreneurial Skills education program must be able to open a barbershop
business independently and be able to prosper the economy of their family.
Keywords: participatory learning strategies,
community entrepreneurial spirit, entrepreneurial skills education barbershop.