The number of
poorness in East Java was influencing to economics growth and people
regression is analyzing of regression model to identification factors that comes
with location. Djuraidah and Wigena (2012) says that factor of poorness for SAR
model are inversed to poorness percentage.
In this paper
will talk about factors that is influencing East Java poorness using level of
education. Where the level od education is composed by elementary school (X1),
middle school (X2), high school (X3), and vocational school (X4). Using Queen
Continguity dan software R, we will analyze spatial regression using SAR
and SEM model to get best model. And we will know that SAR model for poorness
of East Java is:
Y ̂=42.9942+002X_1-0.001X_3-0.0051X_4+0.056Wy
And SEM model for poorness of East Jawa is :
Y ̂=47.1381+0025X_1-0.002X_3-0.0055X_4+0.1406Wu
where X3 and X4 are the influencer to
East Java poorness.
Keywords: Spatial regression, SAR, SEM, Queen Continguity