Abdillah, Hasbi. 2019. Development of Quartet Card Media learning to Improve Social Science Learning Outcomes Theme of Events in Life Subthemes Events Filling Independence Fifth-Grades Primary School. Thesis, Basic Education Study Program, Postgraduate State University of Surabaya. Advisor(I) Dr. Suhanadji, M.Si., and (II) Dr. Rr. Nanik Setyowati, Msi.
Key words: Media Quartet Card, Social Studies Learning Outcomes, Elementary School Students
This research is a development study with a 4-D model from Thiagarajan (1974). In the field test using a pretest-posttest design with a control group and an experimental group. The research subjects were 23 students as the control class and 24 students in the fifth-grades of the experiment class at SDN Kraton 3 Bangkalan. The object of research is the quartet card learning media. This research is a research development that develops quartet cards media learning along with supporting tools for learning lesson plans and learning achievement tests. Sources of data obtained from the media feasibility test questionnaire and achievement test. The trial of the social studies learning achievement test instrument produces valid and reliable test items so that the instrument is fit to be used to measure student learning outcomes. The feasibility test of the quartet card media in the form of a questionnaire filled out by the validator, student responses, and the applicability of the media by the teacher. Data analysis techniques using validity analysis, prerequisite test analysis (normality test and homogeneity test) and hypothesis testing (t-test). The data obtained from the research results of the feasibility of the quartet card media produces a percentage with a high category. This means that the quartet card media is appropriate to be used as a social media learning theme of events in the life of the subtheme of events filling in independence in the fifth grade of elementary school. Posttest calculation at an error rate of 5% t arithmetic ≥ t table where t arithmetic = 2,295 and t table = 2,018, we conclude there is a significant difference in learning outcomes in using quartet card media with those not using quartet card media or using conventional print media. Learning outcomes in this study are focused on the cognitive of students in the mastery of the concept of material.
Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that, the quartet card media has fulfilled the feasibility as a social media learning media in fifth-grade elementary school and there is a significant difference between learning outcomes using quartet card media and those who do not use quartet card media.