Program Studi D3 Tata Boga, Jurusan Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Surabaya,
Dosen Prodi Tata Boga, Jurusan Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Surabaya,
Es krim adalah produk makanan beku yang dibuat dengan melalui proses pembekuan serta agitasi pada campuran bahan dasar susu yang ditambahkan pemanis, dan cita rasa (flavour). Es krim dengan rasa susu, telur, madu, jahe (STMJ) ini menggunakan rasa jamu tradisional yang memiliki khasiat yang baik bagi tubuh. Tujuan rekayasa ini adalah mengetahui 1) Formula es krim STMJ; 2)Tingkat kesukaan penelis terhadap hasil jadi es krim meliputi aroma, rasa, warna, dan tekstur; 3) Kandungan gizi es krim STMJ; 4) Harga jual es krim STMJ per porsi. Pengambilan data penelitian rekayasa ini dilakukan dengan observasi melalui uji organoleptik terhadap tingkat kesukaan es krim STMJ meliputi aroma, rasa, warna, dan tekstur. Pengambilan data dilakukan oleh 25 panelis semi terlatih. Instrument pengambilan menggunakan kuisioner. Analisis data menggunakan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif dengan presentase sedangkan perhitungan harga jual menggunakan cara konvensional. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: 1) Formula es krim STMJ terdiri dari susu murni 400 mg, wipping cream 200 g, CMC 10 gram, glukosa 15 gram, sari jahe merah 50 mg, madu 50 g, dan kuning telur 25 gram; 2) Uji kesukaan menunujukan hasil 72% (18) panelis menyukai warna, 56% (14) panelis menyukai aroma, 60% (15) panelis menyukai rasa, 88% (22) panelis menyukai tekstur STMJ; 3) Kandungan gizi meliputi energi 1134,8 kkal, protein 23,4 g, karbohidrat 84,9 g, vitamin A 1142,5 µg, dan vitamin C 8,9 mg ; 4) Harga jual es krim STMJ adalah Rp 10.200/porsi.
Kata Kunci : Es Krim, Rasa, STMJ
Ice cream is a frozen food product that is made by a process of freezing and agitation in a mixture of milk with added sweeteners and flavor (flavor). This ice cream with the flavors of milk, egg, honey, ginger (STMJ) uses the taste of traditional herbal medicine which has good properties for the body. The research to understand 1) STMJ ice cream formula; 2) The researcher's level of preference for the finished ice cream includes aroma, taste, color, and texture; 3) Nutritional content of STMJ ice cream; 4) The selling price of STMJ's ice cream for each portion. The research data uses collection was carried out by observation through organoleptic tests on the level of preference for STMJ ice cream including aroma, taste, color, and texture. The data were collected by 25 semi-trained panelists. The retrieval instrument uses a questionnaire. The data analysis used quantitative descriptive technique with a percentage, while the selling price was calculated using the conventional method. The results showed: 1) STMJ ice cream formula consisted of 400 mg of pure milk, 200 g of wipping cream, 10 grams of CMC, 15 grams of glucose, 50 mg of red ginger extract, 50 g of honey, and 25 grams of egg yolk; 2) The preference test showed 72% (18) panelists liked the color, 56% (14) panelists liked the aroma, 60% (15) panelists liked the taste, 88% (22) panelists liked the STMJ texture; 3) The nutritional content includes 1134.8 kcal of energy, 23.4 g protein, 84.9 g carbohydrates, 1142.5 µg of vitamin A, and 8.9 mg of vitamin C; 4) The selling price of STMJ's ice cream is IDR 10,200 / portion.
Keywords : Ice Cream, Taste, STMJ