Hubungan antara tingkat konsentrasi siswa dengan hasil kemampuan smash ekstrakurikuler bulutangkis
The relationship beetwen students' concentration level and smash result competency in badminton extracurricular
Penelitian ini berawal dari hasil observasi yang peneliti temui di lapangan, diduga tingkat konsentrasi pada siswa dan kemampuan smash siswa tidak memberikan hubungan dikarenakan impact raket dengan kock atau perkenaan raket dengan kock kurang tepat sehingga peneliti tertarik untuk meneliti ini, Penelitian korelasi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan konsentrasi siswa ekstrakurikuler bulutangkis terhadap kemampuan smash. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa ekstrakurikuler di SMPN 5 Pamekasan dan SMP Plus Nurul Hikmah sebanyak 94 siswa (laki-laki: 60 siswa dan perempuan: 34 siswa). Pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling menghasilkan sebanyak 56 siswa (laki-laki= 28 siswa dan perempuan= 28 siswa). Konsentrasi siswa diukur menggunakan Concentration Grid Test (validitas, r=8.771, p<0.05) dan kemampuan smash diukur menggunakan Tes Kemampuan Smash (validitas, r= 0.926 dan reliabilitas, test-retest= 0.9). Analisis data menggunakan deskriptif statistik, normalitas (kolmogrorov-smirnov) dan uji-r. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata konsentrasi siswa sebesar 8.07 (konsentrasi kurang) dan nilai rata-rata kemampuan smash sebesar 48.86 (smash sedang). Uji normalitas menunjukkan bahwa distribusi konsentrasi siswa tidak normal (p= 0.0006<0.05) dan kemampuan smash normal (p= 0.2>0.05). Korelasi Spearman rho menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara konsentrasi siswa dan kemampuan smash (r= 0.146, p= 0.284>0.05). Tidak adanya hubungan dikarenakan kemampuan smash siswa masih kurang dimana perkenaan raket dan kock kurang pas sehingga menghasilkan pukulan dropshot daripada pukulan smash, serta konsentrasi siswa yang harusnya dapat di maksimalkan dengan baik supaya perkenaan raket dan kock menjadi baik. Dapat disimpulkan penelitian tentang hubungan tingkat konsentrasi siswa terhadap kemampuan smash ekstrakurikuler bulutangkis tidak ada hubungan
This study started from the results of observations that researchers met in the field, it was suspected that the level of concentration in students and students' smash abilities did not provide a relationship because the impact of the racket with the cock or the impact of the racket with the cock was not appropriate so that the researchers were interested in researching this. This correlation study aims to determine the relationship between the concentration of badminton extracurricular students on smash accuracy. The study population was all extracurricular students at SMPN 5 Pamekasan and SMP Plus Nurul Hikmah as many as 94 students (male: 60 students and female: 34 students). Sampling using simple random sampling resulted in 56 students (male = 28 students and female = 28 students). Concentration was measured using the Concentration Grid Test (validity, r=8.771, p<0.05) and smash accuracy was measured using the Smash Ability Test (validity, r= 0.926 and reliability, test-retest= 0.9). Data analysis used descriptive statistics, normality (kolmogrorov-smirnov) and r-test. The results show that the average value of concentration is 8.07 (less concentration) and the average value of smash accuracy is 48.86 (medium smash). The normality test showed that the concentration distribution was not normal (p= 0.0006<0.05) and the smash accuracy was normal (p= 0.2>0.05). Spearman's rho correlation showed that there was no relationship between concentration and smash accuracy (r= 0.146, p= 0.284>0.05). There is no relationship because the students' smash ability is still lacking and when they do it too fast, so that the concentration that should be able to be maximized properly becomes less good or less than optimal. It can be concluded that research on the relationship between students' concentration levels and badminton extracurricular smash skills has no relationship.