Evaluasi Pelatihan Tim Bolavoli Jawa Timur Menuju PON XX di Papua.
Evaluation of East Java Volleyball Team Training Towards XX PON in Papua
Hidayat, Taufiq. 2020. Evaluasi Pelatihan Tim Bolavoli Jawa Timur Menuju PON XX di Papua. Disertasi, Program Studi S3 Ilmu Keolahragaan, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing I: Prof. Hari Setijono, M.Pd. dan Pembimbing II: Prof. Nining Widyah Kusnanik, M.Appl.Sc.
Kata-kata Kunci: Evaluasi, Bolavoli, Pelatihan, Kemampuan Atlet.
Tujuan penelitian menganalisis proses pelaksanaan pelatihan tim bolavoli putri Jawa Timur dari dari sisi context, input, process dan product. Sisi context meliputi dukungan dari pihak pemerintah, input terkait sarana dan prasarana yang dimiliki, kualitas SDM atlet dan pelatih. Sisi process meliputi proses seleksi, penyusunan program latihan, uji latih tanding dan pelatihan yang dilakukan. Sisi terakhir yaitu product yaitu pencapaian target prestasi yang dirancang sebelumnya.
Jenis penelitian ini termasuk penelitian evaluasi model CIPP dengan metode campuran dan desain eksploratory. Teknik penentuan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dengan kriteria atlet bola voli putri Jawa Timur. Sampel pada penelitian ini yaitu 2 pelatih dan 15 atlet putri. Proses pengambilan data dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara dan angket untuk melengkapi dari sisi hasil wawancaranya sebagai kelengkapan administrasi dalam pelaksanaan pelatihan selama ini. Teknik Analisa data menggunakan trianggulasi data dan tematik koding untuk hasil wawancaranya
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dimensi context yang berupa dukungan dari pemerintah secara garis besar sudah melebihi 85%, artinya dukungan sudah baik. Hasil input sumber daya manusia, ketersediaan program latihan, sarana dan prasarana latihan serta persiapan latihan secara keseluruhan sudah baik. Process pelatihan dilakukan dengan baik melalui tahapan teknik permainan dasar hingga lanjutan, peningkatan keampuan fisik serta pengukuran secara periodik. Product pelatihan yang terdiri dari target pelatihan dan pencapaian prestasi atlet sudah sesuai dengan yang diharapkan sesuai program latihan yang dilaksanakan.
Simpulan hasil penelitian ini pada dimensi context berupa dukungan yang baik dari pemerintah, meskipun ada beberapa lembaga pemerintah yang kurang mendukung terhadap pelaksanaan PNN. Dimensi input terdiri dari kualitas sumber daya pelatih dan atlet sudah sangat baik. Fasilitas sarana dan prasarana latihan perlu sedikit diperbaiki dari sisi pengaturan pencahayaan yang membuat silau ketika latihan khususnya ketika akan melihat keatas. Dimensi process berupa proses seleksi, pelaksanaan pelatihan sampai dengan evaluasi sudah dilakukan dengan baik. Dimensi product menunjukkan bahwa ketercapaian kemampuan atlet sudah sesuai target yang ditetapkan berdasarkan program latihan yang dilaksanakan, meskipun tidak semua atlet.
Rekomendasi penelitian ini yaitu KONI Jawa Timur pelu melakukan koordinasi dengan semua pihak yang terkait mulai KONI daerah hingga orang tua untuk memberikan dukungan terhadap pelaksanaan PNN. Terkait sarana dan prasarana tempat tinggal dan lapangan pihak KONI harus segera berkoordinasi dengan Unesa untuk perbaikan masalah pencahayaan tersebut. Serta perlu melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi setiap periodenya supaya pencapaian prestasi dan target pelatihannya dapat tercapai secara sempurna sesuai program yang dibuat.
Hidayat, Taufiq. 2020. Evaluation of East Java Volleyball Team Training Towards XX PON in Papua. Dissertation, S3 Sport Science Program, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Promotor Prof. Hari Setijono, M.Pd. dan co-promotor Prof. Nining Widyah Kusnanik, M.Appl.Sc.
Keywords: Evaluation, Volleyball, Training, Athlete’s Ability.
The research objective was to analyze the process of implementing the training of the East Java women's volleyball team from the context, input, process and product side. The context side includes support from the government, input related to facilities and infrastructure owned, the quality of human resources for athletes and coaches. The process side includes the selection process, preparation of training programs, sparring and training tests. The last side is the product, namely the achievement of previously designed achievement targets.
This type of research is an evaluation study of the CIPP model with mixed methods and exploratory design. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with criteria for female volleyball athletes in East Java. The sample in this study were 2 coaches and 15 female athletes. The process of data collection using interview techniques and questionnaires to complement the results of the interview as administrative completeness in the implementation of training so far. Data analysis techniques used triangulation of data and thematic coding for the results of the interview
The results showed that the context dimension in the form of support from the government in general had exceeded 85%, meaning that the support was good. The results of human resource input, the availability of training programs, training facilities and infrastructure as well as training preparation as a whole are good. The training process is carried out well through the stages of basic to advanced game techniques, increasing physical ability and periodic measurements. The training product, which consists of training targets and athlete achievement achievement, is as expected according to the training program being implemented.
The conclusions of the results of this study are on the context dimension in the form of good support from the government, although there are some government agencies that do not support the implementation of PNN. The input dimension consisting of the quality of the trainer and the athlete resource is very good. The training facilities and infrastructure need to be slightly improved in terms of lighting settings that create glare when exercising, especially when looking up. The process dimension in the form of selection process, training implementation and evaluation has been done well. The product dimension shows that the athlete's ability has met the target set based on the training program implemented, although not all athletes.
The recommendation of this research is that the East Java KONI needs to coordinate with all related parties from the regional KONI to parents to provide support for the implementation of PNN. Regarding residential and field facilities and infrastructure, KONI must immediately coordinate with Unesa to fix the lighting problem. And it is necessary to monitor and evaluate each period so that the achievement of achievements and training targets can be achieved perfectly according to the program created.