Korelasi Antara Kecemasan Membaca Mahasiswa dan Strategi Membaca yang Mereka Gunakan.
The Correlation Between College students’ Reading Anxiety and Their Reading Strategies.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi lebih lanjut tentang tingkat kecemasan membaca siswa dan menyelidiki bahwa kecemasan membaca masih ada di tingkat universitas, serta menemukan strategi membaca yang paling banyak digunakan oleh mahasiswa. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini juga menyelidiki korelasi antara kecemasan membaca dan strategi membaca yang digunakan siswa. Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Scale (FLRAS) dan Survey of Reading Strategies Questionnaire (SORS) telah dilakukan terhadap 60 mahasiswa tingkat dua jurusan Bahasa Inggris di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri di Surabaya. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kecemasan membaca masih ada di tingkat universitas, dengan rincian 10 siswa (17%) dari peserta kategori tinggi, 28 siswa (47%) kategori Sedang, dan 22 siswa (36%) kategori kecemasan rendah. Penelitian ini juga melaporkan bahwa, Problem-Solving Reading Strategy (PROB) adalah strategi membaca yang paling sering digunakan (M=3.702), diikuti strategi membaca Global Reading Strategy (GLOB) (M=3.63) dan strategi membaca yang paling sedikit digunakan Support reading strategy (SUP) (M=3.39). Selain itu, hasilnya menemukan tidak ada hubungan antara kecemasan membaca mahasiswa dan strategi membaca secara total p=0,99, PROB p=.255, GLOB p=.238, SUP p=.522
This research aims to explore further about students reading anxiety level and investigate that reading anxiety still exist in university levels, also, finds the most used reading strategy of college students. Subsequently, this present study also investigates the correlation between reading anxiety and the reading strategy students used. The Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Scale (FLRAS) and SORS (The Survey of Reading Strategies Questionnaire) has been conducted on 60 sophomore students in the English department at one of the state universities in Surabaya. The result reported that reading anxiety still exists at university levels, with details 10 students (17%) of the participant are categorized as high groups, 28 students (47%) are categorized as Medium, and 22 students (36%) categorized as low anxiety groups. This research also reports that, Problem-Solving reading strategy (PROB) is the frequently used reading strategy (M=3.702), followed by the Global reading strategy (GLOB) (M=3.63) and the fewest used reading strategy Support reading strategy (SUP) (M=3.39). Additionally, the result shows that there is no correlation between college students reading anxiety and reading strategy in total p=0.99, PROB p=.255, GLOB p=.238, SUP p=.522.