Nama : Mohamad Agam Tri Kurniawan
NIM : 13060474157
Program Studi : S-1 Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga
Jurusan : Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga
Fakultas : Fakultas Ilmu Olahraga
Nama Lembaga : Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Pembimbing : Dr. Irmantara Subagio, M.Kes.
Penelitian Evaluasi pembinaan atlet cabor taekwondo SKO Ragunan bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Sistem Penerimaan Siswa Baru SKO Ragunan pada cabang olahraga Taekwondo. (2) Prestasi atlet selama menjalani diklat Taekwondo SKO Ragunan. (3) Sistem pelatihan yang diterapkan pelatih taekwondo SKO Ragunan.
Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan metode pendekatan survei. Adapun teknik analisis datanya secara kuantitatif dengan bantuan analisis deskriptif. Dari penelitian tersebut diketahui hasil wawancara dengan pelatih mengenai sistem penerimaan siswa baru SKO Ragunan cabor taekwondo dan data prestasi atlet taekwondo serta Hasil analisis angket. Berdasarkan hasil validasi yang diperoleh, angket evaluasi memperoleh hasil ratting sebesar 63,64%. Dimana diangka tersebut angket evaluasi sistem pembinaan atlet cabor taekwondo dinyatakan layak dipakai.
Hasil Analisa Kuisoner Evaluasi yang disebarkan ke para atlet berdasarkan Presentase Aspek Jadwal Latihan sebesar 72,41%, Aspek Fasilitas Latihan 72,78%, Aspek Pengembangan Kemampuan Atlet 71,24%, Aspek Karakteristik Pelatih 71,11%.
Aspek-aspek tersebut tergolong dalam kategori valid/baik melihat dari skala kevalidan, dengan melihat perolehan skor keseluruhan yang didapat ialah sebesar 71,6% yakni kategori baik, dan dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa sistem pembinaan cabor taekwondo SKO Ragunan bagus dan layak untuk dilanjutkan kedepannya.
Kata Kunci: Evaluasi Pembinaan Atlet, SKO Ragunan, Taekwondo Ragunan, Atlet Ragunan, Pelatih Taekwondo.
Name : Mohamad Agam Tri Kurniawan
SIDN : 13060474157
Program of Study : S-1 Sports Coaching Education
Major : Sports Coaching Education
Faculty : Faculty of Sports Science
Institution : State University of Surabaya
Preceptor : Dr. Irmantara Subagio, M.Kes.
Researche of evaluation coaching for taekwondo athletes Ragunan Sports School have a purpose to know (1) Recruitmen system of new student Taekwondo athletes Ragunan sports school. (2) Athlete’s achievements while participating traning in Ragunan sports schools. (3) Coaching System implemented by Taekwondo coach of Ragunan sports school.
This researche use of type descriptive researche with survey approach method. Analysis technique to collect of data quantitatively with descriptive analize support. From that research known interview result with coach about recruitmen system of new student Taekwondo athlete Ragunan sports school, achievements data athlete’s and the result of questionnaire analysis. Based result validation obtained, evaluation questionnaire obtain rating of 63,64%. Which is that number from questionnaire of evaluation coaching taekwondo athletes in Ragunan sports school is worthy to use.
Result of analyze evaluation questionnaire distributed to athletes, based presentation aspect of the training schedule of 72,41%, training facility aspect of 72,78%, development of athlete’s abilities of 71,24%, coach’s characteristic aspect of 71,11%.
That aspects classified into good/valid categories according by scale validation, approved by result overall score is 71,6%, which is good, and can be concluded of coaching system taekwondo athletes Ragunan sport school is good and worthy to continue next.
Keywords: Evaluation Coaching Athletes, Ragunan Sports School, Ragunan Taekwondo, Ragunan Athlete’s, Ragunan Coach’s.