Guncangan perekonomian Indonesia akibat Pandemi Covid-19 telah mengakibatkan memburuknya dunia usaha mikro. Untuk itu, Kementrian Koperasi dan UKM memberi dukungan modal usaha melalui Bantuan bagi Pelaku Usaha Mikro (BPUM). Model pembangunan tersebut selaras dengan perspektif Harrod dan Domar yakni peningkatan modal atau investasi sebagai upaya pembangunan ekonomi.
Antusiasme maysarakat Bluru Kidul terhadap BPUM tidak hanya terlihat pada kelompok usaha mikro, namun juga kelompok masyarakat non usaha mikro. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dari adanya kesenjangan jumlah pemohon BPUM dengan Data Paguyuban UMKM Bluru Bangkit, tidak adanya cross check usaha yang didaftarkan oleh Pemerintah Desa, hingga banyaknya penerima BPUM yang tidak sesuai dengan kriteria dalam peraturan yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementrian Koperasi dan UKM. Terkait dengan ini, penelitian ini bermakud menganalisa pemberdayaan ekonomi pelaku usaha mikro Desa Bluru Kidul melalui BPUM.
Tujuan penelitian ini diantaranya: (1) mengidentifikasi pelaku usaha Desa Bluru Kidul yang menerima dana BPUM; (2) menganalisis proses pemberdayaan ekonomi melalui BPUM; (3) menganalisis implikasi ekonomi dan (4) sosial BPUM terhadap pelaku usaha mikro Desa Bluru Kidul.
Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan pemberdayaan. Sedangkan teknik yang digunakan ialah Rapid Rural Apprisal (RRA) yang dilaksanakan dengan pembentukan tim multidisiplin yakni latar belakang ilmu sosiologi, ilmu ekonomi, dan pakar UMKM. Teknik RRA yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diantaranya: review data sekunder, observasi, dan wawancara mendalam. Keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi antar peneliti dan triangulasi sumber data. Sedangkan proses analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis data Miles dan Huberman.
Hasil penelitian ini menjumpai total 1.181 penerima BPUM di Desa Bluru Kidul yang terdiri dalam 12 bidang usaha, 132 anggota Paguyuban UMKM Bluru Bangkit, dan 10 anggota DITAKOPUM. Namun, dari total tersebut hanya 200 usaha mikro yang memiliki NIB. Penyelenggaraan BPUM pada tahap sosialisasi dan pendaftaran terdapat 3 alur dengan fasilitator yang berbeda. Ironisnya, program BPUM tidak diiringi dengan kegiatan pendampingan, sehingga banyak dijumpai penyimpangan pemanfaatan dana BPUM seperti biaya pendidikan, pembayaran hutang, liburan keluarga, tagihan bulanan, hingga biaya pembelian kendaraan bermotor.
Implementasi program BPUM bersifat top-down, akibatnya pemberdayaan ekonomi pelaku usaha mikro mengalami kegagalan. Di sisi lain, Kementrian Koperasi dan UKM menjadi posisi sentral dalam program BPUM, akibatnya fasilitator tidak dapat mengambil keputusan untuk memberikan fasilitas diluar PERMENKOP.
Meskipun pelaksanaan BPUM diwarnai berbagai permasalahan dan penyimpangan, BPUM telah membantu meningkatkan pendapatan usaha mikro Desa Bluru Kidul sebesar 29% melalui inovasi produk dan modernisasi teknologi produksi. Secara sosial, BPUM memicu adanya stigma terhadap pemerintah, competition, kontravensi, konflik, social climbing, perilaku konsumtif, dan ketergantungan terhadap BPUM.
The economic instability due to the attact of Covid-19 in Indonesia has worsened the micro scale business. To this end, Cooperation and UKM Ministry provides business-supporting fund through BPUM. This constructive model is in line with Harrod’s and Domar’s perspectives, namely to maximalize investment to improve economic development.
The anthusiasm of Bluru Kidul society towards BPUM can be seen not only in micro scale enterprise doers, but also in non micro scale business groups. This is proved from the presence of gab between BPUM applicants and the list of Paguyuban UMKM Bluru Bangkit, there is no cross check from the village goverment related to this fund application, resulting in the BPUM receivers who a not in agreement with the regulation of Cooperation Ministry. Related to this, this research aims at analyzing the economic empowerment of micro scale enterprise doers in Bluru Kidul through BPUM.
The objectives of the reseacrh are: (1) To identify the receivers of BPUM in Bluru Kidul; (2) To analyse the economic empowerment process through BPUM; (3) To analyse the economic implications of the micro scale enterprise doers in Bluru Kidul, and (4) To analyse the social implications of the micro scale enterprise doers in Bluru Kidul.
This belongs to qualitative research, using empowerment approach. The technique used in this research is Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) which is conducted by forming a multidisciplin team, composed of the people from three backgrounds: sociology, economics, and UMKM experts. The RRA techniques used to obtain data are: the secondary data review, observation, and in depth interview. The validity of data is done through triangulation among researchers and triangulation of data source. Meanwhile the data analysis is done by refering to the technique by Miles and Hubermen.
In this research, the researchers finds 1.181 BPUM receivers in Bluru Kidul, composed of 12 business fields, 132 members of Paguyuban UMKM Bluru Bangkit, and 10 members of DITAKOPUM. However from this figure, only 200 micro scale business have NIB legality. On the socialitation and registration stage of BPUM, there are three channels with different fasilitators. Ironically, there is no coaching in this BPUM programs, so that the BPUM fund is much abused, for instance: education cost, loan settlement, family vacation, monthly bill, until cost for motor vehicle purcase.
The research finding shows that the implementation BPUM program is top-down in nature, resulting in unsucsessfull economic empowerment of micro scale enterprise doers. In this case, the Cooperation and UKM Ministry becomes the center of this BPUM program, as a result, the facilitator cannot make decision to give facilities out of the Cooperation and UKM Ministry regulation.
Although the running of the BPUM program comes across abuses and troubles, however it has helped to improve the income of micro scale enterprise doers in Bluru Kidul as much as 29%, by way of product innovation and technology modernisation. From social point of view, this BPUM program triggers the emergence of negative stigma to goverment, competition, contravension, conflict, social climbing, consumerism, and dependence on BPUM.