Dinamika Psikososial Seorang Pria Mantan Kombatan ISIS Yang Berintegrasi Kembali Ke Dalam Masyarakat
Psychosocial Dynamics of a Male Former ISIS Combatant Who Re-integrated into Society
Dengan menggunakan teori strukturasi Giddens (1984) dan konsep agency Bandura (1999), studi ini mengkaji proses psikologis pada individu ketika dia bertransformasi menjadi teroris, melepaskan diri dari jejaring teroris, dan berintegrasi kembali ke masyarakat. Seorang pria WNI mantan kombatan ISIS bertindak sebagai subjek penelitian. Dalam riset bertipe quasi-life history ini, peneliti mengumpulkan data primer melalui wawancara semi-terstruktur dengan berfokus pada pengalaman individualnya. Kebutuhan untuk mengabdi kepada sesuatu yang lebih besar dari diri sendiri adalah motif utama yang mendasari tiga tindakan subjek: bergabung dengan ISIS, meninggalkan jaringan terorisme, dan berintegrasi kembali ke masyarakat. Ketiga tindakan itu adalah manifestasi dari interaksi dari waktu ke waktu antara agency subjek dan sistem sosial. Dalam melaksanakan agency-nya, subjek mematuhi dan melanggar rules dalam masyarakat, memanfaatkan beragam resources, dan mengalami beberapa unintended consequences.
Informed by a theoretical framework that blends Giddens’ structuration theory and Bandura’s idea of agency, this study examines the process whereby individuals in contemporeray Indonesia become terrorists, disengage from terrorist networks, and reintegrate themselves into society. Using the quasi-life history approach, this research focuses its analysis on the life of an Indonesian man who once served as an ISIS combatant in Suriah. Core data for this study was obtained from semi-structured interviews with the subject. To live for something larger than himself was the driving force behind three turning points in the subject’s life: his joining the ISIS, his abandonment of terorism as method of social reform, and his reintegration into society. These turning points were the product of the long-term interplay between the subject’s agency and the major forces at work in society. In exercising his agency, the subject both obeyed and broke society’s rules, used the various resources he could find in the environment, and suffered the intended and unintended consequences of his action.