UKM Ju-Jitsu Dojo Universitas Negeri Surabaya merupakan suatu organisasi kemahasiswaan dilingkup kampus yang memberi ilmu bagaimana cara menjaga kesehatan jasmani dan konfisi fisik, serta cara-cara beladiri dengan praktis. Manum masih banyak juga dari anggota UKM Ju-Jitsu yang masih memiliki kebugaran jasmani dan kondisi fisik yang kurang baik dan cenderung mudah lelah setelah melakukan aktifitas kuliah. Dalam penelitian kali ini ingin mengetahui tingkat kebugaran jasmani dan kondisi fisik dari anggota UKM laki-laki dan perempuan Dojo Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survei dengan teknik pengambilan data menggunakan angket yang dilakukan pada11-12 april 2019. tempat penelitian dihalaman depan Gedung Gema Ketintang dan Gor Internasional Lidah Wetan Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Subjek penelitian adalah seluruh Anggota UKM Ju-Jitsu Dojo Universitas Negeri Surabaya yang masih aktif segabai mahasiswa danaktif mengikuti latihan rutin yang berjumlah 18 mahasiswa usia 18 sampai25 tahun. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dalam bentuk presntase tentang status tingkat kebugaran jasmani dan konsidi fisik anggota UKM Ju-Jitsu Dojo Universitas Negeri Surabaya.
Berdasarkan dari hasil tes tingkat kondisi fisik dan kebugaran jasmani anggota UKM Ju-Jitsu Dojo Universitas Negeri Surabaya dapat di simpulkan bahwa yang berjenis kelamin laki-laki tergolong dalam tingkat kondisi fisik dengan 3 item tes memiliki rata-rata persetase dominan di kategori kurang sekali sebesar 83,3%. Sedangkan tingkat kebugaran jasmani dengan 1 item tes memiliki rata-rata persentase dominan di kategori kurang sebesar 100%. Sedangkan untuk anggota UKM Ju-Jitsu berjenis kelamin perempuan tergolong dalam tingkat kondisi fisik dengan 3 item tes, diantaranya 2 item tes memiliki rata-rata persentase dominan di kategori kurang sekali sebesar 66,7%. Sedangkan tingkat kebugaran jasmani dengan 1 item tes memiliki rata-rata persentase dominan di kategori kurang sekali sebesar 100%. Maka anggota UKM Ju-Jitsu Dojo Universitas Negeri Surabaya berjenis kelamin laki-laki memiliki tingkan kondisi fisik di kategodi kurang sekali dan tingkat kebugaran jasmani di kategori kurang. Sedangkan anggota UKM Ju-Jitsu Dojo Universitas Negeri Surabaya berjenis kelamin perempuan memiliki tingkat kondisi fisik di kategori kurang sekali dan tingkat kebugaran jasmani di kategori kurang sekali.
Kata kunci : ju-jitsu, kebugaran jasmani, kondisi fisik
UKM Ju-Jitsu Dojo State of Surabaya University is a student organization within campus that provides knowledge on how to maintain physical confession and physical health, as well as practical methods of self-defense. However, there are still a lot of members from this organization who still have low quality in physical condition and physical fitness. Most of them are also easy to get exhausted after a busy lecture activity. In this study, researcher wanted to know the level of physical condition and physical fitness on members of UKM Ju-Jitsu Dojo, State of Surabaya University.
This research is a quantitative descriptive study through a survey method with data collection techniques using questionnaires conducted on April 2019. This research’s site is in front of Gema Ketintang Building and Lidah Wetan Sport Centre State of Surabaya University. The subjects of this study are all members of UKM Ju-Jitsu Dojo State of Surabaya University who are still active as students and participated in regular Ju-Jitsu exercises. The samples of this study are amounted to 18 students with an age range between 18 and 25 years. The data analysis technique uses descriptive quantitative analysis which is described in the form of a percentage about the level of physical condition and physical fitness on members of UKM Ju-Jitsu Dojo, State of Surabaya University.
Based on the results of the test of the level of physical condition and physical fitness of the members of the Ju-Jitsu Dojo UKM, Surabaya State University, it can be concluded that the male sex is classified in the level of physical condition with 3 test items having an average dominant percentage in the category of very low at 83 , 3%. While the level of physical fitness with 1 test item has an average dominant percentage in the category of less than 100%. Whereas for Ju-Jitsu UKM members, the female is classified in the level of physical condition with 3 test items, of which 2 test items have an average dominant percentage in the category of very low at 66.7%. While the level of physical fitness with 1 test item has an average dominant percentage in the category of very less by 100%. So the members of the Ju-Jitsu Dojo UKM, Surabaya State University, the male sex has a very poor physical condition and the physical fitness level is in the poor category. Whereas members of the Ju-Jitsu Dojo UKM State University of Surabaya, female, have a level of physical condition in the category of very poor and physical fitness level in the category of very poor.
Keywords: ju-jitsu, physical fitness, physical condition